27|"Pinky promises are not childish."

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"Aurora, where are we going?" Nolan questions with a hint of excitement in his voice.

"You'll see." I smirk.

He tries to peek out the window like a little kid, but I grab his hand and distract him. To be honest, it feels weird to hold his hand, but it feels good. I'm just going to have to get used to this human contact thing.

"We're here ma'am." My chauffeur says and he puts the car in park.

When Nolan gets out of the car and opens the door for me, his mouth is hanging open as he reads the metal sign. "Sunnydale Cemetery?" I nod.

"If I knew, I would've worn all black." Nolan looked fine. Well better than fine, he always looked good. His outfit was just any everyday sweater with a leather jacket over it and jeans. I was wearing a classy grey Chanel jumpsuit that had a halter top neckline with a cropped white fur sweater over it. I matched it with by white pointed heels.

"No it's not necessary, black was never her color anyways. If she could've seen the type of funeral her parents held for her. She would've been furious." I laugh to myself.

"Her?" Nolan questions.

"Yeah. My best friend."

As we walk into the cemetery, Nolan took my hand and we laced our fingers together. I never knew walking in a cemetery could be so romantic. Very Tim Burton.

We finally reached the spot where Isabella was buried. I remember the funeral like it was yesterday. It was a very glamorous event.I remember the Lacroix umbrellas that were completely unnecessary because there was not a rain drop in sight. We walked in two single filed lines all the way up to her gravestone. The most "important" family in the front, and the lesser known people in the back. It wasn't odd that Sam and I never spoke, and we never spoke to her parents either. Her parents mourned their baby. It was very sad. I doubt her parents even knew we were friends. They were never around much, but I guess after she shot herself they wish they were.

She was buried under a beautiful brass oak tree. Her parents fought tooth and nail for this spot. It was the viewpoint of the whole cemetery, and the tree (besides the tombstone) will mark where Isabella rest forever.

"Isabella Cartier. May the light of our live shine forever in heaven." Nolan reads off the tombstone.

Even though I was wearing designer, I sat down on the grass right next to her grave. "I miss you." I murmur.

Nolan decides to sit next to me, and we rest against the oak tree together. I didn't bring her any flowers, she wouldn't need them. She would rather those flowers stay in the ground and help the bees or some crap like that.

"She was always thinking of others. She was kind, beautiful, intelligent, and people loved her." I chuckle. "If you can believe it, I wanted to be exactly like her when I got older."

He caresses my hair. "No I get it. My dad, he was the guy everyone looked up to. If they had a problem he could help them. If someone needed a loan, he would give them some money. If someone needed a friend, he would be their shoulder to cry on. No matter how cheesy that sounds."

I laugh and look up at him. "Yeah, that was pretty cheesy. I think you're starting to attract rats."

"Whatever." I look at the smile on his face. The kind of smile that makes others smile. "Anyways I always tried so hard to be him, that when he died, I didn't know how to be me without him. So I had to learn, and it was hard, but I did it."

"That's beautiful Nolan." I tell him honestly. ",aaaaand a bit cheesy."

"Cheesy? Was that cheesy!? I'll show you what's cheesy." He starts to tickle me.

"Nolan- haaa haa- s-stop!" I giggle. "This- ha, ha,ha- this is designer Nolan!" I yell at him.

"Oh boo hoo." He makes fun of me and continues. I decided I had had enough and I push him off of me and I start running.

I can hear him laughing at me in the distance. "I'm going to catch you in those heels!" He shouts at me.

People give us disgusting looks as we run around laughing in the cemetery. I don't mind the looks, I get them all the time. For once I'm happy, and I'm not going to let other people ruin that for me.

Finally Nolan catches me, only because one of my heels broke! "Nolan this is all your fault!"

He holds up his hands. "Hey, I'm not the one who told you to run." He snickers at me as I hop on one shoe.

I throw the broken part of the other at him. "Eat dirt Nolan."

"Awww, is that the best comeback you can think of?"

I playfully glare at him. "You're lucky I like you."

Nolan stops teasing me. "You like me?"

I stop limping towards the exit of the cemetery. "Yeah. I wouldn't have taken you here if I didn't. It's part of the reason why I wouldn't let myself like you in the first place."

Nolan's quiet for a moment. "So let me get this straight. Aurora Kennedy likes me?" He teases me more.

"Ugh yes she does, Nolan. Stop acting like a child." I proceed to wipe the dirt off my outfit.

He smiles at me with mischief in his eyes. "Follow me."

He starts to walk off. "In these heels?" I stand there pointing to my shoes.

The blue eyed boys sighs and turns back around. Unexpectedly he picks me up and carries me to our next destination. "Nolan you don't have to-"

"Shhh let someone take care of you for once. You don't have to say anything."

You know that feeling in your throat that you get when you're about to cry? Yeah, that one. I got that. And I tried so hard to push it down, but it came right back up with tears.

Nolan placed me down in front of another tombstone. "Dad, this is Aurora. Aurora, this is my dad."

I looked at him in surprise. I didn't think this would happen today. "Oh- Hi sir. Sorry I only have one working shoe, it's your sons fault."

Nolan rolls his eyes. "I think he would've liked you."

I look at him, skeptically. "Are you sure? Your dad seemed nice and kind, and I'm a total bitch."

"People change, ya know." Nolan says to me hopefully.

I shake my head in uncertainty. "I don't know. Sometimes I think about it, but I realize that it's just me. I can't be whoever you want me to change into, Nolan."

He sighs. "I'm not asking you to completely change who you are. I'm asking you to throw away the person you're forcing yourself to be ."

I stare at the teenage boy, skeptically. "I can't promise you anything." I cross my arms. "So you can't get mad if I disappoint you."

"I promise I won't get mad."

I frown. "Pinky promise." I hold out my small, thin pinky.

"Look who's acting like the child now." He retorts as he hooks his pinky into mine.

I gasp. "Pinky promises are not childish. They are-"

Nolan pulls me in with the hand that was holding my pinky and he kisses me. Our lips meet softly, and I thank God that I was wearing my cherry lip balm today. He takes his other free hand and wraps it around my waist, pulling me in tighter if that was even possible. I wrap both of my arms around his neck, and I just melt into his presence.

And I'm so surprised that I didn't have the urge to push him away. Ever since the situation with Francis I've always been afraid to let people touch me or get close, but ever since Nolan.. it's been different, and I've changed.

A few moments later, I pull back. "Why kiss me today?" I question him, still in a daze from what just happened.

"What better place to kiss at then a cemetery?" He smirks and he kisses me again lightly on the cheek, causing me to shiver.

"Okay." I let out so quietly in pleasure. Usually I would have follow up question, but who gives a rat's ass. He's kissing me and I'm going to soak it all in, before this perfect moment in time and space collapses.

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