12|"God, you're so vain."

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I've never noticed that Nolan was in my AP Psych class. Why haven't I noticed him before? But now that I've seen him, I can't unsee him. I find myself staring at the back of his head, and watching his every movement. I see when he drops his pencil on the ground and leans over to pick it up. I watch his head slowly tilt to his left as he falls asleep. And I notice that he never once has looked back at me.

Did he know that I was in his class? Stupid question. Of course he knew. I'm fucking Aurora Kennedy. I get noticed. But what is it about this boy that just gets under my skin? I find myself frowning, but quickly fix my face. Frowning causes wrinkles. I need to understand this boy.

The bell rings and class ends. I decided to wait outside the classroom from him. And I watch through the opening of the door, as students flood out, Nolan groggily wakes up from his nap, looks around, picks up his bag, and begins to head for the door. Thank goodness he's the last student.

He opens the door and I push him back inside the classroom.

"Uh I-"

"Shh." I place my index finger on his lips.

"I'm sorry, but you have to leave, my next class is-"

"Out!" I growl at the middle aged teacher. She squeals and runs out of the classroom.

I remove my finger from his lips. Nolan rubs the dust from his eyes and yawns. "It's not nice to boss people around."

"Save the lecture." I approach the wooden door and lock it so no one will interrupt us. "Ok fine. I'll go out with you. To wherever you wanted to take me."

Nolan raises a dark eyebrow in surprise. "Why the change of heart?"

I cross my heart against my chest. "Do you want me to come or not?"

The lanky boy shrugs. "It doesn't really matter to me, I just thought it would be interesting to see you out of your natural habitat."

I glare at Nolan who was now sitting on top of the teachers desk. "Like a challenge?"

"I guess." He stays silent for a moment then smirks. "If I take you, you have to promise to act like a normal person. No bitching, no mean girl persona, no acting like you're a god."

"And what if I don't?"

"Then you have to apologize to Ciara Winters."

What the hell? Is this guy crazy? Does he not know what she did? I can feel my blood boil, but I have to keep my cool. "And if I do act normal then you have to apologize to me in front of everyone at lunch. Saying how great I am and you're sorry for badgering and stalking me." It was my time to smirk.

Nolan throws his head back and laugh. His eyes sparkle. "God, you're so vain." but Nolan sighs and agrees. We approach each other and shake hands. "Deal princess."

"Oh and you have to stop calling me that."  I pull my hand away from his after our handshake lingers too long.

"No can do, we already shook on it." He takes his backpack and throws it over his shoulder. "I'm late to my class and all those kids-"he points to the small window in the door where a whole class, and teacher, are waiting for their classroom, back. "are waiting."

He walks away from me, unlocks the door, and leaves me standing there. The kids part for him and then they swarm their class.

"Ms. Kennedy! That was unacceptable! I have never been treated so disrespe-"

I put my hand up in her face. "Save it."  Then I bounce out of the room filled with a little bit of excitement. I haven't done anything risky in a long time. Apologizing to Ciara Winters will hurt my reputation and my pride. It'll make me look weak. I have to win.

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