2|"You know I only do body shots with attractive people."

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Just so you know, I didn't have to walk far to get home. I lived just a couple doors down from where the party was thrown. A couple hours before the bash, I was at April's house and she lived five minutes away.

And just like I thought, she went home without me and never batted an eye. During third period, she told me to spill the details about the guy I hooked up with last night. I had to let her down gently, and tell her that I didn't hook up with anybody and went home. She pouted the whole time.

While strutting down the hallway in our plaid school skirts, and white blouses, people were staring. Like they usually do, mostly out of fear or admiration. April walked next to me, with more of a bounce, while I walked with a neutral face. April bathed in the glory of the attention, and the power that she knew she had, but sometimes she forgets that she got it from me, and sometimes I have to remind her.

Out of the three of us, she was the most approachable. She was flirty, fun, and entertaining. I was bitchy, bossy, and mean. Sam was sexy, hot, and a total man slut. Everybody knew that we were on a be approached by us, and not the other way around. But April was a different story. Sometimes I envied how people just approached April, how they smiled at her in kindness. People only look at me in jealousy, hatred, or adoration. And the unhealthy kind of adoration.

Sam didn't have the same third period as us, so he decided to meet us at lunch. He held our usually table and I took a seat next to him, across from April. Frankly, all her cheerfulness was giving me a headache.

Sam smiled at us with his pearly whites, that shined extra bright due to the contrast between his light blonde hair. In all honesty, Sam was hot. He had the muscles, the teeth, the eyes, the jawline, and the personality to prove it. But just like every other hot guy, he knew he was attractive and frequently used it to his advantage.

As he eats the fries off my plate, Sam brings up the party last night. "I heard you left early. That's unlike you. I was waiting for you to be my body shot partner." He winks at me.

I push the hungry boy away from my fries. "You wished. You know I only do body shots with attractive people."

He smirks. "Well there's one sitting right next to you." He wraps his arms around my waist and tries to pull me close to him. I smack him off, and dig my nails into his back.

"Ow! What the fuck?! It was only a joke Rory, chill." He touches the spot on his lower back where I punctured him.

"Don't touch me. You know I don't like that." I say with an unemotional face. Sam knows I don't like to be touched like that, but yet he constantly does it anyways. It's what he gets.

Before Sam opens his mouth to call me a bitch, Ciara Winters walks into the room. April traces my line of vision and spots the little blonde freshman, trying to cloak herself in her group of friends. I feel a smirk finally coming onto my face. Oh how I miss this feeling right before I destroy someone.

"Aurora, are you going to do it?"

Now it's a full blown grin. "You bet I am."

I push myself off from the table, take my prep school jacket and swing it over my shoulder. Sam notices as well. "Don't crush her too hard, I kind of wanted to sleep with her later this year."

April gags. "That's disgusting she's a freshman and you're a senior."

The blonde haired boy gives her a flirtatious smile. "Love knows no boundary."

April rolls her eyes, but I notice the slight blush on her cheeks. She thinks I don't know, but I know they've slept together. More than once. I don't have a problem with it, they can do whatever the fuck they want. But she should know that she's just another notch on his belt. And his belt has a lot of notches.

I fluff out my glowing red hair and march straight towards the little freshy and her friends. I think people these days don't understand how monarchs work anymore. First you have the peasants, then the working class, then the rich, then the nobles, and then the royalty. And she needs to understand that right now she's a peasant, and I'm royalty. I like it this way, it establishes order; balance.

It's not like a teen movie where everyone sees the mean girl and gasp, and the whole cafeteria goes silent as she walks toward her prey. It's much more tame than that,but some observant people do notice, and they do whisper.

"Excuse me Ciara? Do you know who I am?" I question the girl in a painfully nice tone. Ciara and her friends were already sitting down at the lunch table.

"Uh yeah, you're Aurora Kennedy." The girl gives me a shaky smile, and her friends move away from her slightly. What great friends she has. I notice she was pale and skinny as a twig you could easily break in half.

"Good." I give her a fake grin and squeeze next to her in between another girl. I rest my elbows backwards on the table and tilt my head. "So you know what you did?" I whisper in her ear, making my tongue pronounce every single syllable.

"Yes, but-"

And just like I did with Sam, I dig my nails into her left arm and she winces. "And you could see how I would find that offensive?" She nods. "If I see that poster one more-"

Through the cafeteria door, a group of boys walk in laughing. Now, most of the cafeteria was looking in my direction, and towards the little girl with tears in her eyes. I noticed one of the boys in the group, his blue eyes pass over me, and something compelled me to let go of Ciara's arm. When I did she pulls back her arm and see the tiny bit of blood coming out. Everyone was looking at me, while I was looking at him.

I get up from Ciara's table, not being able to finish our conversation, and begin walking back to my own lunch table. I don't stare directly at the group of boys, but they stop laughing as they notice the odd lack of noise in the cafeteria. They trace the stares, and the silence, back to me.

My table was placed in the front of the cafeteria and was risen above everybody else's per my request, so I could see everyone and they could see me. I regain my seat, sigh, and with a flick of my hand, everyone goes back to their boring conversations. But one boys blue eyes stay on me. I look away from him, and join my tables conversation.

"Why didn't you mess that girl up?" April complains. I notice that she took my side beside Sam's. Either to get a good view of the action, or just to be next to him.

I shrug. "She wasn't worth my time anymore."

Sam's mouth literally drops at the sound of my words. "Not worth it, she was basically crowned queen of the rebellion after she wrote 'down with the monarchy' in big red letters in the girls bathroom."

I glare at Sam. "I thought you didn't want your little slut to get messed up too badly."

"Yeah, but I also love evil Rory. It's hot."

April shakes her head and starts to flirt with the football player next to her. I notice that my fries are finished in the short time I was gone, but I didn't care. I've lost my appetite. But they're right. Why did I stop? I usually love evil Rory too, but something was off this time.

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