10|"Wow! We are really closer to the day hell freezes over."

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I've looked everywhere on social media and I haven't found a single profile on him. Nothing. Nada. Zip. Zero. I wish I still had Dana- whoops I meant Daisy. Whatever.

April was going on and on and on about the pair of shoes that she just bought at the store we just left. To be honest, they weren't even that cute. After that whole debacle at lunch, she came crawling back the next day like she always did. Sure Sam was right, she does have potential to be like someone like me. But she can't ever be me. Her soul hasn't been ruined as much as mine.

Once a week, April and I plan to go shopping. It's like a cleansing of our soul. But week after week, I end up spending less money to save for the bills. It's either clothes or a place to live. I picked the latter. She doesn't usually bring up the whole me spending less, but when she does I give her the excuse that everything in the store is out of date. 

And she believes me because even though I don't shop as much, my style is still on point. At the mall today I'm wearing a Chanel striped shirt that reaches my neck, with classy loose high waisted pants. If we were outside I would've put on my beige coat that extends to above my ankles. April had on a white lace long sleeved shirt with a black collar, and she had on a matching black skirt, which matched her black stockings and punk rock platform ankle boots. I guessed you could say we matched today, but it was all coincidental.

My long red hair was in a high pony tail and curled at the end, and it swung from side to side accidentally hitting someone in the face. I turned around to see who it was and reply, but the person beat me to it.

"Can you watch where you're going." The preteen snaps at me and folds her arms (that had the worst fake tan on them) across her chest. It was like a blast from the past. The little girl was decked out in Louis Vuitton, and had her little goonies behind her giggling. Even though the girl looked more like April, with her over developed chest and blonde hair, I could tell by looking at her, that her personality was more like mine. The girl bats her fake eyelashes as she waits for a response.

"Sorry, my bad."

April snaps her head towards me in shock. I guess she expected me to put the girl in her place or something. But the girl couldn't be older than thirteen, my brothers age, and I wasn't going to do that. If she was like me in any way, she probably had worse things to deal with than someone four years older than her, bullying her.

The girl gives me a smug grin. "That's what I thought."

"Why you little shit!" April starts to pounce at the girl, but I pulled her back by the wrist.

"She's not worth your time, or manicure April. Let's go."

The blonde glares at the preteen and composes herself once more. "Be lucky its our last year in high school." April sneers at the girl, flips her hair and walks away. I sigh and begin to follow her.

As soon as the middle schoolers are out of earshot April starts to complain. "What was that? Sorry? You should've destroyed her right there, and her big forehead almost messed up your pretty curls." She throws her hands up in the air. "It's like I don't even know you anymore! First the Winter girl, and now this? Unbelievable."

I let April whine like a little bitch to herself. "You know you don't look very pretty when you're flabbergasted. Fix your face." I comment as we sit down on one of the benches in the mall.

"Whatever."  She acts like she doesn't care, but she knows what I just said was a warning and that she needed to shut her mouth.

Across the mall we see the group of middle schoolers again, but we notice them this time because there's more of a commotion. "Oh! Drama!" April claps her hands in delight. "Let's move closer." I follow April as she finds another bench closer to the action.

The girl who snapped at me earlier was clearly angry with a boy in front of her and a small girl next to him. The boy in front of her was obviously attractive and reminded me of Sam, but the girl next to him wasn't as gorgeous as the mean girl. The smaller girl was a little frumpier, her clothes definitely weren't as nice as the other girls (probably something from a department store), and her hair was a bit frizzy and unkempt. But she did have a cute face, bright hazel eyes, and glasses that framed her face to make her look older. Maybe when the girl was in her late twenties, she would be a stunner, but right now, she wasn't even close to it.

"Her!? You're leaving me for her!? The ugly rat who doesn't even know the difference between a manicure and a pedicure." The blonde girl wails.

The preteen boys gets pissed. "Don't call her that! She's a better person then you'll ever be, you'll probably die alone and unhappy you psycho bitch!" He yells back at her. It looked like he was going to continue, but the frumpy girl besides him hold him back.

"Wow! We are really closer to the day hell freezes over." The girl lets out a bitter laugh. "Lets go girls, I can't stand looking at this idiot and his slut anymore." She turns around to find her friends, but they've backed away from her. "Guys? Now!" She screams, but her voice cracks.

This girl looks like she's going to have a serious breakdown. "Fine! Fuck all of you!" She gather the shopping bags she threw on the floor in the middle of her tantrum, and begins to walk away from the mass of people that have congregated to watch the meltdown. I turn away from the scene.

April laughs. "That was entertaining. It's what she got for being rude to us."

She was rude to me. Not you.

I lean back on the bench. "Why don't girls like us have happy endings?" I mutter softly.

I guess I didn't mutter softly enough, because April replies. "What are you even talking about? We'll be happy. We'll end up marrying billionaire and live our days shopping and traveling the world. That sounds pretty damn happy to me."

"Every mean girl in every book or movie or tv show ends up getting humiliated, or dumbed by their hot boyfriend for a different girl, or ends up being hated by all."

April gives me a concerned look. "Teen crises much? Everything in the media is faked, they never show what happens to the popular girl after. And trust me she's always better off without that loser who couldn't keep it in his pants. And everybody hates us already anyways."

She doesn't get it. Why can't the mean girl be happy for once? Is it because she's a bitch? Everyone's a bitch, some just don't show it. All the little goody two shoes in my school have probably called me names behind my back or have hated my guts, and I've probably done nothing to them. Some people won't admit it. When you see a pretty girl, you're extremely cautious of her or jealous. Some people are afraid that they're going to steal their crushes or boyfriend. Admit it, it's the truth. I've felt that way, even though I know I'm pretty as well. It's in everybody's nature to feel insecure. Then that pretty girl feels all the jealousy and hate for herself, and people make her into something she's not. She becomes a bitch, so does that mean she's not allowed to be happy?

"Aurora!? Hello?" I snap back to reality. "I've been calling your name for a minute now, let's go get some gelato." April smiles brightly.

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