Prologue: The Day of Reckoning

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Our village was not grand in size, as we were a small one, located in the far corners of the kingdom. Really it was more so, the middle of nowhere. We had the resources to support ourselves as the land provided much that a small village needed to sustain life. The village would hunt, farm, and even craft their own wares and items, so it was uncommon for merchants to visit our small land. The ones that did however were usually regulars that came for the craftsmanship of those talented, and confident enough to sell. 

It was peaceful here. At least that is what Father says, I myself have never found a reason to leave the comforts of the village. My father, in his past, states he was a traveler and I would often learn of the world in his eyes, comforted and enthralled by the stories he told. 

"...then between me and the bear, I took him on, nothing but my own strength against it. You should have seen it my Boy! But a fine pelt is what I was rewarded with once I skinned it with its own claws and used what I could of it. Never live in the mountains unless you know the land and its secrets! You never know what you may find." 

I smiled as I stirred the pot of stew, thinking back to the bear story he often would tell when I was a child. Even as an adult, it was still a story that I caught myself smiling and reminiscing about his adventures. 

 I heard the door, to our tiny home, open and close as heavy footfall made its way towards the kitchen area. It was no one other than my father exhausted and tired from the day's work. I smiled at him as I finished preparing the meal, take the pot from the hearth, and placed it on a cooler surface.

I was nearing the age of 20 and have admittedly lived with my father longer than anticipated. Having finished my studies with him and exploring resources that I could buy from merchants, I was ready to live on my own. The reason I have been here so long was admittedly the financial benefits. I would assist in manual labor with my father from time to time but mostly take care of the house because if I didn't then he definitely wouldn't. 

However, staying with one another's company was a plus too. I loved Father as has been only he and I for the longest, but I would have to admit it would be time for us to find our separate ways eventually. I need to learn my independence and my Father needed to finally live for himself.

My father was tall, reaching a height of 6 feet 5 inches, an overly buff man whose muscles came from heavy lifting during work, and had a dark brown beard that reached his collarbone with messy short dark brown hair to match. My father is known as a 'kind giant' because he would help those in need without asking for anything in return.

I, on the other hand, was the opposite of my father, it looks. I had my Father's rich dark brown hair that fell to my ears. Dark brown eyes, Father's, stature, definitely my mother, well assuming so anyway.

I looked at my Father as he took his shoes off, making the display seem comical from his bulkiness.

Yeah, unless I was a late bloomer then definitely my mother. 

I never met my mother, unfortunately, she died giving birth to me. My father, when he could, would tell me stories of how she was a fearless woman who had a stubborn heart. She was a gentle soul who cared for everyone around her however when angered she was a force to be reckoned with. He would never fail to remind me, after each story, how I was like my mother in many ways, with both her stubborn heart, kind nature, and feared anger.

Father raised me on his own. He was my teacher through homeschooling, a mentor through life, and a helping hand through tears. Father made the most of my childhood even as he struggled to care for both me, and our home, and have time for work. This is the reason I have quickly learned to care fo the house and why I haven't left on my own as of yet. 

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