Chapter 13: Hidden in the Trees

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For hours it seems Aerolena and I have been treading through the woods with no sighting of her home, I was becoming suspicious she had gotten us lost. A few times I almost spoke what I was thinking only for her to make a sharp turn in the trees proving she knew where she was going.

It was cold, being that it was the the middle of the winter seasons. I only had the long sleeved shirt to protect me from the nipping air and the bandage wrapped around my neck which was now falling off.

I decided to try to ignore the freezing temperature and began to look around at the scenery.

The forest was the darkest, greenest, forest I had ever seen, it would have been eerily dark if not for the singing of birds, playfulness of chipmunks and few sighting of deer. There were fallen trees scattered around the forestry floor covered in moss and mushrooms of different colors. But the most captivating thing about this forest was the creek we were following. It's flowing waters was calming were calming to listen to under. We were close enough to see our own rippling reflections staring back at us and small or medium sized fish that were unaffected by the cold swim beneath the clear surface.

Aerolena made another sharp turn with the babbling creek. I followed closely behind Aerolena not wanting to get lost.

As we walked further I notice the air no longer held that chilling edge but began to become warmer. It was odd considering the geographic region we were in.

"We're almost there."

I nodded my head to Aerolena even though she could not see it.

As we walked further the air began to warm to temperatures only met in spring. It was strange, I have never knew or read of a forest that could climb in temperatures unless there were a spring or a volcanic core heating it. By the surrounding landmarks and plants growing, there should not be any near by.

"We're here."

To busy lost in thought I nearly ran in the back of Aerolena not know that she stopped.

Quickly I regained my footing and suddenly took notice of Aerolena back not trying to notice my own embarrassment. Until now I did not realize Aerolena and I were the same height. Ignoring my thoughts I looked up to study what Aerolena was looking at.

It was a cliff.

A really, really tall cliff.

"Are you kidding me." I deadpanned.

"Nope." was her only reply.

"Did you get us lost?"

She shook her head, "Nope this is it."

I studied her face looking for the slightest amount of humor, there were none. Her facial expression was a small smile and her eyes glowing with excitement.

I sighed and once again looked towards the cliff.

It stood at least fifty feet high with various bare branched and sharp edges. I was somewhat sure I could see a few eagle nests from where I stood.

Well here goes nothing.

I stepped from around Aerolena and prepared myself to climb the cliff. If we don't get started now we will be here all night. I pulled up my sleeves exposing the dark tattoos scattered on my arms and grabbed a somewhat smooth corner.

"Ame, what the hell are you doing?"

I placed my foot on another corner nearly elevating myself from the ground.

"What does it look like, I'm climbing the cliff."

Aerolena placed her hand on my shoulder pulling me off of the cliff, causing me to fall butt first onto the ground.

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