Part 1

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You Are my Sunshine

By: ZairaDrayan

Part 1

You're sitting on a stool in a place you knew so well. Where the grease would just keep on comin' and the whoopee cushions would reign supreme. The funny thing was that nobody was there with you besides Grillby. He'd always keep you company, but there wasn't really much point in your conversations with him. He could tell that you were waiting for someone else. Grillby would always look in your direction whenever you mumbled his name.

"Why are you waiting here if you're looking for Sans? He does come often, but you know how many jobs that he has. Also, he lives only a little ways away from here. Why don't you visit?" asked Grillby when his last customer finally left.

You sit up in your chair and sigh. "I don't know... It'd be odd if I were to just go to his house and ask for Sans to not know what to talk about..."

"Well, Sans is a pretty random guy sometimes, so who knows? You're friends, right?" asked Grillby as he finished drying the glass cup in his hand and puts it into a cupboard. You almost laugh at his question.

"Of course! I did save the Underground! In a few weeks, we'll all get to move back up to the surface.! Ever since the announcement was made, Sans just hasn't been around. I was hoping he'd be here... I don't know if we'll be as close when we move. Well...," you explained. You didn't know why you were telling Grillby about your problems. You suddenly realize that the way you talk about Sans makes other others start rumors. Monsters were beginning to wonder about you and your odd obsession for the comical skeleton. You knew you could trust Grillby, but you still didn't know why you were talking to him about it.

Grillby seemed to read your mind and placed a bottle of ketchup in front of you. "Listen, I've gotta close up soon. However, the best way you can get closer to Sans is by hanging out with him. Tomorrow, you should take that ketchup and talk to him. I'm sure he'd be happy to be with you. Now, why don't you go home for tonight?"

You suddenly jump off of the stool and look at the clock. It was 11:00pm! You lived over in Hotland! It would take forever to get back to your house! Slowly, you turn to Grillby with an annoyed expression. "You planned this, didn't you?"

Grillby didn't reply.

Defeated, you grab the bottle of ketchup and say goodbye to Grillby. It was going to be a long night.

As you trudged through the snow, Sans and Papyrus' house came into view. You take a deep breath before knocking on the door. Footsteps came up to the door and you quickly planned out a conversation. Your heart skipped a beat when you realized that it was Sans who answered. Of course, he was still in the same hoodie and slippers as always. He looks at you with surprise.

"huh. wasn't expecting ya, (y/n). it's been a while, hasn't it?" Sans observed. You nod to answer his question.

"I guess so...," you reply.

Sans looked out at the snow that began to fall. Then his gaze drifted back to you. "so, what's up? why are you out and about in the snow?"

You take out the bottle of ketchup from Grillby awkwardly and explain. "I'm too far away from my house and if I go back now, I'll get caught in the snow... Can I possibly crash here for tonight...?" you ask hopefully.

Sans looks to the ketchup and then back at you. What was he thinking? The comedian finally replied.

"y'know, you didn't need the ketchup. you, uh, could've just asked. after all, it's the least i could do after you saved us. come on in," Sans said as he opened the door wider for you. You don't hesitate. You could tell that he had probably thought up a ridiculous door pun. When you walked through the door you saw him writing it down. You make a note to yourself. Beware of door puns.

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