Part 7

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 You wake up the next morning on your couch. There was a loud, obnoxious noise coming from outside that caught your attention. Mettaton was rapping on the window. You sighed and walked up to the window and opened it. Mettaton jumped through the window and closed the window tightly as he looked around. Was this a hidden camera show?!

"Excuse me, but have you seen a comical skeleton anywhere?!" he demanded.

You shake your head no and the humanoid robot growls. "Blast it! I was hoping to ask him something. I was expecting to find him here after I checked Snowdin. He wasn't there either. I looked through the forest and searched through the video cameras that Alphys had planted all over the Underground, but I found nothing!" Mettaton explains. He puts on a fedora and a trench coat. He runs his hand over a magnifying glass. You wonder what the getup is for. You decided to play along.

"Well, Sherlock, I doubt he's going to be in Hotland. Where have you looked? Have you searched, I don't know, his house?" you asked.

Mettaton gasped and then plucked you from the ground. He pointed towards the door. "An excellent suggestion (y/n)! Time for us to set out!" he yelled.

"Wait! What do you mean we?!" you demanded.

"You're coming with me!"


"Why? What kind of a question is that?! It's obvious that you and Sans are supposed to be together! Plus, my show needs some romantic action! Come on!" Mettaton said as he carried you away from your house.

"So, this IS a hidden camera show! I knew it! Put me down!" you yelled, but Mettaton had no intentions on listening. Through Hotland and into Waterfall being carried by a robot in a fedora and a trench coat.

As the echo flowers went flying by, you tried to gaze at the surroundings. Mettaton would charge past a few people and you'd apologize as you quickly sped out of view and the thought of stopping suddenly sounded ten times better for more than one reason.

Mettaton dug his heels into the ground and you finally were put back onto the ground. You were completely through the Waterfall area and you were just outside of the place where you battled Papyrus. You remembered Papyrus and giggled.

"Alright, I actually do have some business to conduct in Snowdin. However, getting to see Papy again always makes me smile... All the paperwork I have to sign for these new parts that Alphys asked me to get is worth it," Mettaton explained.

So Mettaton didn't just come to set you up with Sans. Well, he is a busy guy. "I guess that's understandable as popular as you are."

"I know! I'm the only star in the Underground! Of course, this is such hard work! It's also FABULOUS!!!" Mettaton yelled showing off a pose.

The two of you stroll into Snowdin and you spot Sans and Papyrus' house. You sucked in a breath and braced yourself. Mettaton knocked on the door. Papyrus answered.

"OH! METTATON! I WASN'T EXPECTING YOU! AND YOU BROUGHT (Y/N) TOO! HOW EXCITING! COME ON IN!" Papyrus announced as he opened the door wider for the two of you.

"Thank you, Papy dear! By the way, how has your brother been?" asked Mettaton with a glimmer in his eye.

"EH... HE'S BEEN BETTER...," Papyrus explained to the robot star. You begin to wonder. Was this about you?

Mettaton blinked almost as if he were celebrating a silent victory. "Well, where is he? (Y/n) here was curious..."

Papyrus eyes you suspiciously and you sighed. Why Mettaton? Just why? "WELL, HE'S NOT HERE. ACTUALLY, HE DIDN'T SAY A WORD TO ME SINCE YESTERDAY. IT'S VERY UNLIKE HIM..."

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