Response 1 Stay Safe!

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(If you chose to say no, continue to the next chapter)

"I... I think that it's best that we remain safe... I don't feel like running from people anymore. I'm sorry...," you said apologetically.

Sans shrugged. "I thought that you might say something like that. Honestly, I would have said the same thing. If you were to get hurt, that would mean that both of us would be gone. Not to mention, you still only have... 1.5 HP. If I could fix that, I would. With HP like that, no wonder you thought better safe than sorry, actually!" Sans exclaimed as he stared at your HP bar.

"Hey! At least, I have .5 more HP than you!" you retorted.

"That doesn't mean anything! We're both still goners if we get attacked by anything or anyone! Even a tiny Whimsun could wipe us off the face of the Underground. Besides, I think Toriel won't forgive me if we simply jump into the face of danger and tell a bad pun before running for our lives."

You giggled. "I wouldn't be running for my life! I'd be running while screaming at the top of my lungs in terror!"

"Ooh. Could you show me?" Sans asked.

"Hahahahahaha- Don't get you hopes up," you answered.

"Maybe they could just lock us in here instead of getting us locked up for "safety purposes". You know?"

"Maybe we should go back and give them our answer. I don't want to make Undyne mad again...," you told Sans.

Sans laughed. "YOU didn't do anything! It was ME who made that fish lady mad! How were you able to befriend her?!" he asked.

You recalled the crazy date and laughed awkwardly. "I smashed veggies with MY BARE HANDS!!!"

"Oh my gosh. That's amazing! Okay, let's go," Sans said as he regained control and code jumped down the stairs. All the code jumping made your head hurt. A lot.

"'Sup guys. I got your answer," Sans said to Undyne.

"Yeah? What is it?" asked Undyne.

Sans held up his hands. "Bring out the handcuffs and call me Jailbird Joey. I'm going to prison for my not-crimes."

Everyone looked surprised. Undyne had a questioning look on her face. "Really?! I thought you'd say no!" she exclaimed.

"Welp, I changed my mind."

"At least, the girl will be safe...," Toriel said with a sigh.


Mettaton crossed his robot arms and sighed. "I'm just glad that nobody died in this episode! That's new for me, but I've actually grown quite attached to all of you people."

Undyne stood up from the floor and redid her bright red ponytail. "The sooner we get going, the better then. I'd doubt that you'll be getting the handcuffs. Also, you'll only be there for about a day or two. The king will get this all sorted out at some point when I tell him what's going on and then he'll announce you free. Then, Alphys should be able to separate your souls and get (y/n) back to normal. Once again, I'm sorry about this..."

"How many times have you apologized again? Also, I didn't even know that there was a prison in the Underground."

"It's at Asgore's castle. We should be there in-"


You were dragged through the code with Undyne being dragged behind. Surprisingly, in a few seconds, you reappeared. Sans, looking almost completely wiped out, finished Undyne's sentence. "About a second?"

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