Part 9

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 You spent the rest of the day on the couch. The song that your friends wrote for you was still echoing in your head. When Papyrus came home from his morning rounds, you ran up to him and hugged him. He hugged you back.


"I think we all are...," Toriel stated. She joined in the hug for a moment and then let go. She stared up the stairs for what seemed like the eleventh time in the last twenty minutes.

"Toriel, are you okay...?" you ask as you followed her gaze to the door to Papyrus' room. You knew who she was thinking about.

"Oh... Just wondering if I should check on Sans... I want to know if he'll be alright. However, I also don't want to disturb him because he's been up for days... It's been conflicting me all day and the day's half over...," Toriel explained.

You didn't want for Toriel to feel so concerned. "I'll go see him if you want. It'll be nothing!"

She stared at you for a moment and then smiled. "How very thoughtful, my child! If you insist upon it, then you can..."

You walked up the stairs and cracked open the door. Sans wasn't where he was before. You opened the door wider, he wasn't anywhere. Code jump. You sighed and shook your head. Just before you left, you saw a note that said: Give to (y/n). It was taped to the window and you felt your curiosity pull you towards the note. You pulled it from the window and carefully opened the envelope. You began to read it out loud to yourself. It was short. Three sentences. They made you even more curious.

Dear (y/n),

I know that you probably would like some answers about, well, everything, right? Tell you what, if you show up at the Wishing Cave in Waterfall at 5:00pm today, then I'll give you as many as I can. Besides, I think I've been hiding the truth from you for too long now anyway, if you haven't already figured it out.


your bonehead of a friend, Sans.

You glanced towards a clock. You already knew what this was probably about. There was no way you were going to pass this up. If Sans was going to tell you the true true truth, then you weren't going miss out. The clock read 4:00pm. You decided that you would tell everyone that you were leaving before heading over.

At first, Toriel didn't approve and Papyrus seemed a little disappointed, but they both agreed to let you go. You scurried through the snow with a slight spring in your step from what you knew. You slowed to a stop once you were just outside of the Wishing Cave. Your heart pounded furiously. What were you going to do? What were you going to say? Finally, you simply sucked in a breath and walked inside.

You saw Sans staring up at the ceiling with a distant expression. He looked over to you and back to the ceiling. Neither of you said anything for a long minute.

In the silence, you recalled that in about a week, everyone would be back on the surface. You thought about the real stars and the real sky. Sans thought about them as well. "In about a week, you'll get to see the real stars... We'll be together stargazing out at the real stars under the real night sky... It'll be amazing...," you said as you leaned against the stone wall and sat down. The blue stones continued to sparkle and gleam. Sans was sitting next to you with a snap of his fingers. He nodded in agreement and tried to imagine what they'd look like.

"How far away would they be? I've heard from legends that they're even bigger than the mountain and farther away than any of us can possibly can imagine. Although, what is a star really...?" Sans questioned to himself.

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