Part 5

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You recalled the robot and wished you could forget. There was something about the way he brought it up that made you sorta feel awkward. Where was this going?

"i know that this may seem sorta out of character, but, like i said, i had to ask. this is probably the only place in the entire building that isn't in danger of being mettaton approached," he explained.

"Well, what about that conversation with Mettaton?" you asked trying to sound casual. Your pounding heart almost couldn't take the intensity of the stare you were getting from Sans.

"...well, he's a real ro-butt sometimes and obviously has a screw loose somewhere and is just plain obnoxious!" he said as if to try to lessen the tension that was building up. You smile slightly at the brutal, comical honesty towards Mettaton.

"Yeah, but weren't you going to say something else?" you ask.

"nope. nothing else."

THAT WAS IT?! You thought he was lying, but how could you ever tell? He was the master of twisting the truth and making up excuses. He could be telling the truth, he might not. You turn and look around the room and finally inspect the details. There were these two HUMONGOUS beds and television sat between them against the wall. There was a wall sized window to replace the wall with giant curtains hanging off to the sides and the other walls were painted just plain white. The floor also had a white carpet. There was a lamp on a wooden stool, a few books (they don't interest you one bit), a phone book, a bathroom, and a built-in shelf in one of the white walls. It looked like a hotel room.

Sans had found the remote to the TV and was clicking through the three channels that was on it. They were all about Mettaton. The very thought of that robot made you want to cringe. Sans simply threw the remote at you like you did only a day before. Had it only been a day? It felt like forever... Getting stuck in a blizzard telling stories, Papyrus and his spaghetti making attempts that failed, Mettaton, and then now. You turned off the TV and flopped onto the bed closest to the window wall.

"yeah, i can relate to that," Sans said in response.

You didn't want to stay awake any longer. You took off the coat Sans gave you (that you were now wearing around your waist because of the heat and neither of you wanting to hold it), threw it onto the floor, and drowned your face into the pillow. Sans hopped onto the other bed as if he were agreeing with you.

"I'm tired... I'm going to sleep...," you told him just to be sure he knew.

"okay. you should probably rest up for the trip back to snowdin," Sans said as he threw his jacket onto the floor on top of the one he gave you.

Silence. There was pure silence. You began to drift away to Dreamville and you could barely remember you were still awake. The last thing you heard from the outside world before falling asleep was "'night, (y/n)"

Surprisingly, the dream itself was completely black. There was nothing. You reached out expecting to touch something, but not even air was present. You quickly retract your hand and stand still. Maybe if you stayed here, someone would come. You called for help, but nobody came... You sat onto the ground without feeling anything except for loneliness.

You called out for Papyrus... He didn't come. You called out for Undyne... She didn't come. You begged for Toriel... She didn't come.

You cry for Sans... He didn't- no. Someone was there. You ran trying to find out where this presence was. You were running for what seemed like forever when suddenly...,


The lights came on and you found yourself running on a treadmill. You were confused and then suddenly remembered. Sans' room... He got ya. You looked at a sign on the treadmill. It said that the truth was you got owned nerd. It was exactly the same as last time except for the little heart at the end. Sans never drew a heart on the paper! A little note at the bottom said for you to look on the back. You turn over the note that reads 'Meet me in my secret lab. -Sans.

You're My Sunshine (Sans x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now