Part 13

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 "Sans! Where's the girl?!" Toriel demanded as she latched onto the skeleton with a look of pure concern in her eyes that was reflected perfectly by her face.

"If you chill, I'll tell ya, Tori..."

Sorry, goat mom...

"Well, let's not just stand around! Get the joker talking!" Mettaton snapped as he tapped his metallic foot impatiently.

Papyrus glanced to the door. "BUT METTATON, ALPHYS AND UNDYNE AREN'T HERE YET!"

"Who cares! Start the meeting! What happened?!" Mettaton yelled. Right as he said that, Undyne smashed through the door and charged into the room. Her eye flickered from one wall to the other as if trying to find something... or someone. Finally, she spotted Sans and you could feel fear shoot through you for a second before you regained your cool. Without warning, Undyne latched onto Sans' shoulders and you winced with pain. It was awkward because, for you, there was nothing there.

"WHY DID YOU DO IT!?" demanded Undyne to your face.

Sans coughed and didn't resist her. He then shrugged. "Do what?"

"WHY DID YOU KILL THE HUMAN?!?!" she yelled.

Toriel gasped out loud and Papyrus looked baffled. Mettaton was trying to catch all of this on tape for a future show. You felt a hint of surprise and annoyance at Undyne's words. Under normal circumstances, you'd be trembling. However, you were Sans. If he was annoyed, you were annoyed.

"I didn't kill the human."

"YEAH YOU DID!! Each time that you or the human goes missing, they always end up hurt or DEAD!!" Undyne yelled.

Toriel covered her mouth and began to cry. So the child was dead after all...

Toriel! I'm sorry! Undyne! I'm right here! I'm right here!

"It all makes sense, bonebag! Alphys told me everything!! She's dead because of you, isn't she?!"

Sans was unresponsive for a moment. A twinge of regret and sadness rose up from within you before being shoved to the side. There was nothing that could have been done...

"I... didn't... do it...," Sans said as firmly as possible.

Voices spoke in your mind. They repeated the same phrase over and over.

You couldn't reach her in time... You couldn't reach her in time... You couldn't reach her in time... Now she's dead... because of you.

Sans fought the negativity and his eyes went dark. You felt strange. Like you were going to lash out at anyone and anything without hesitation and without mercy. You couldn't stop it.

Sans!! Stop it!!

"Well, you're the only person we have to suspect! All evidence we find points to you! Until we have any proof given to us that states otherwise, the Royal Guards are going to have to lock you up!" Undyne snapped.

Sans sighed and let his eyes return to normal as he cleared his mind. He removed his soul and held it in his hand. He lifted it up and let the pinkness of it shine through his fingers. Everyone stared at it in alarm and intrigue. Sans said boldly, "I had no choice."

Undyne stared at the soul in alarm and screamed. "YOU ABSORBED THEIR SOUL!?!?!" With that, she stood to her feet and pointed an accusing finger at him. "I had thought... you two were friends... You lied to us all and you KILLED THEM!!"

Toriel stood to her feet with tears running down her face. She stared straight into yours and Sans' eye sockets. You could only... feel... guilt... "I... trusted you..."

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