Part 16

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All that night, all you could think was yes. Swirling through your mind was "Yes! Yes! Yes!" Without a doubt, it was now your new favorite word. However, you could also say, YES, it was an awkward morning you were given after your dream of the word yes. Sans was sleeping right next to you on the couch when you blinked slightly and saw his snoozing face. Remembering the previous night brought a smile to your face and you glanced towards a clock. After seeing the time, you turned back to Sans. Gently, you put your forehead against his and hummed the beginning to the song Morning Song by a famous classical musician named Edward Grieg.

He opened one eye socket at you just before closing it again with a grin. "Five more minutes. I don't wanna go to school yet."

You giggled and shook him. "Come on! Wake up! Do you wanna build a snowman or not?!" you demanded.

"In Hotland? That would be a reason to get up," he said as he laughed at you remark with his eyes still closed.

You huffed slightly and then smirked. You lightly pecked him lightly on the cheek bone causing his face to flare a deep blue and he was wide awake. You laughed at his sudden facial change. You loved it when Sans got flustered.

"I know you're not a morning person, but I had to. So, morning sleepyhead!" you said playfully as you tried to stop laughing at his face.

Sans blinked at you and then smirked himself. "Fine. I'll force myself to get up early, but only if you do it again," Sans stated knowing you'd agree. Sure enough, you kissed him again.

Suddenly you heard the door slam open and at the sudden noise, both you and Sans fell off of the couch. Both of you let out a surprised yelp and onto the floor you fell. He was on top of you with his entire body pressed up against yours causing both of your faces to heat up. It was when you looked at who was at the door when things got more awkward.

"SANS! I HEARD FROM ALPHYS THAT SHE SUCCESSFULLY RETURNED YOU AND (Y/N) BACK TO NORMAL AND SAID THAT YOU'D PROBABLY BE HERE W-" Papyrus stopped mid-sentence when he realized what was going on and then he started blushing and looking towards the wall awkwardly. "WOWIE... LOOK AT THE TIME! I'VE GOT... UM... ERRANDS TO RUN! YEAH! YOU, UM, -ER, UH... BYE!" Papyrus said running out of the door and slamming it shut. Outside he shouted a large "I KNEW IT!!" before running off back to Snowdin.

Sans looked overwhelmed by the awkwardness of it all and the two of you were still in the same awkward position. You nudged Sans gently. "Uh..., Earth to Sans," you said and he was brought back into reality. He teleported off of you and you wondered if his face was going to be permanently blue forever.

"I'm sorry! I had no intentions on- or- uhhhhhhh...," he said trying to explain. You shook your head.

"I know. It was an accident. But... That's not what Papyrus thinks," you said as you looked back out the door.

Sans sighed and leaned against the couch. "This is why I'm not a morning person..."

After getting ready for the day ahead, you hopped out the door with Sans to embark on your journey to Snowdin. Of course, after a quick code-jump, you were back at Sans and Papyrus' house. Papyrus just got back and jumped at your sudden appearance before calming down.


"No, not really," Sans stated. He turns to you and scratches the back of his neck. "Don't suppose you would mind if you let me talk with my bro one-on-one? It just seems even more awkward with you sticking around and I don't think that awkward's going to solve this problem."

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