Part 6.5

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From now on, Sans is just going to talk normally like everyone else. My computer is going crazy trying to fix all of the lowercase letters, so yeah. Thanks for all of the support on this so far!! I love you guys!!!

(Sans' POV)

Man, I had thought that Mettaton would have done or said somethin', but i found nothin'. Maybe his goal was to just get me away from (y/n). If that's the case, he succeeded. I admit that i have been... holding certain things back from her... However, I'm not the one to say stuff like that out loud. In dreams, sure. In real life, no way.

What did I mean by dreams? Well, I did have one about her. It was sort of weird. It was the one I had back at the hotel. I was wandering around the Waterfall area and I found (y/n) sitting alone on a bench. She was crying and was huddled up in a ball. Naturally, I went over and asked her what was wrong. When I got no reply, I started talking. You know, like when Papyrus has a bad dream or something. I was just trying to get her mind off of what was bugging her so much. Finally, she raised her head to look at me and she still didn't say anything. However, based on the way she was looking at me, there was only one question she was asking.

"Why are you here? What made you want to make me happy?"

Of course, I had no idea how I got there, so I answered that I didn't know. She blinked and looked away again. Right about at that moment I figured out that it was a dream and that this wasn't actually happening. I didn't know what to do anymore. I wasn't expecting for anything to progress or change until...

"Sans..., I like you a lot, but... You don't like me anymore... That's what he said..."

I glanced back over at her. What? Okay, who would tell a lie like that. I know I lie sometimes, but for the greater good. This guy apparently thought it was okay to speak trash for other people! I sat down next to her and shook my head.

"Who told you that?"

"A... A yellow flower told me..."

Flowey? The name flew through my mind and I wanted to rip that weed out of the ground. I thought he said he wasn't interested in being evil anymore! Well, he only promised he wasn't going to kill or reset... Nobody said he couldn't tell lies...

"Listen, you know as well as I do that you shouldn't listen to that thing! It's just a dirty double-crosser. Besides, why are you listening to Flowey?"

(y/n) looked over again. She had a pain in her eyes that I almost couldn't stand to look at. What had the flower done? She finally replies.

"H-He said... That if you ever said that you care about me at all... he'd kill me because that's not how the world works... He said humans can't be with monsters and monsters can't be with humans... Even if they could be together..., they only break each other's hearts... He said that it's easier to just forget or to die rather than be together because it's not the first time he's seen it happen..."

My mind froze. Okay, this thing first wants everyone to die, now it wants to kill all monster and human relationships. What was wrong with this thing.

"I still don't think you should listen. Did he tell you why he wanted to do this?"

"It's because... He once had a friend, but... she only ended up betraying him... and she was partially the reason that he became a flower and he... he said that if it happens again, it'll be all his fault..."

Wait. He was friends with a human once? Suddenly, it didn't sound at all like he was lying. It sounded real. She begins to cry again and turned away. I didn't know what to do. Something wasn't right. There was only one way to find out what was happening.

"Well, that freaky flower's only been telling freaky lies. The truth is that I do like you and that I have no idea why he would think that way. Who cares about what he said, we can take him on again if he challenges us, right?"

Out of the blue, she stood up. Her feet weren't touching the ground, her expression was pure evil, her face and clothes completely changed, and her eyes turned red. I jumped to my feet and lost my balance out of surprise. It wasn't (y/n). It was that girl from those dreams again. Holding up that knife and swinging it around everywhere just looking for my soul that it wanted so badly to stab. She laughed.

"I knew you were an idiot but I thought that even you couldn't feel this way! Wow... Smiley trash bag and my perfect host... Makes this all too easy... This world will perish yet because you dared to feel this way! I, on the other hand, can't feel this. All I can feel is LOVE... Do you understand what I'm saying?"

Chara raised a knife to the air and I summoned a gaster blaster. However, all the fight was sucked out of me in an instant. I was planted to the ground and Flowey appeared with its ridiculous grin.

"Howdy! I thought that I warned you! I thought I specifically told you to stay away from the human. Now look at what you've gotten yourself into! Not my fault I guess!" Flowey turned to Chara. "Have fun..." He cackled and disappeared into the ground.

Chara stood only a few feet away and grinned. "Oh, I will..."

I fell out of the bed at the hotel and remembered that it was a dream. I was breathing heavily and looked over at (y/n). I walked over to her. She was curled up in the sheets and was smiling. Heh. Why couldn't I sleep like that? But, what did the dream mean? I grabbed onto her hand gently.

"I'll make sure nothing happens... No harm from that flower or that person will come to you and I will protect you from anything and everything. Just trust me on this..."

So I did love her. More than anyone else. Whatever this dream meant, it only made my desire to keep her safe even stronger.

"I love ya, (y/n). Though for you this is a dream, that fact can't become any more true than it already is."

Almost as if in reply she said ever so softly, "I love you too, Sans..."

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