Part 6

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 As you and Sans sneak out of the hotel room and check out of the hotel, you notice that Mettaton was still there. He was just standing outside and had changed forms. The day before, he was a rectangle. Today, he had a humanoid form. Apparently, he was able to change between forms at will. There was no backway, unfortunately... Sans sighed.

Mettaton walked into the building and spied Sans. He smirked. "Hello, Sans... How was the room that you and (y/n) were sharing...?"

"it was fine. can you let us leave now? i'm not really feeling up to a four hour interview this morning," Sans told him.

"Oh! So sorry about yesterday! No hard feelings, right?" asked Mettaton as he stuck out his hand to Sans.

"about what?"

"Why, what I said on camera in front of the entire Underground! I've met a couple people on the road this morning who agreed with me, though. To be honest, I think you should be thanking me!" Mettaton said.

Sans eyed him oddly and ignored Mettaton's hand. "we've got places to be. i've got brothers to appease," Sans stated as he grabbed onto your hand and led you to the door. You didn't hesitate.

"You know, I'm not the only one who thinks that the two of you are an absolutely adorable couple! However, I don't care if you agree or disagree. I just wanted to let you know that I will do whatever I believe is necessary to get the two of you together! Whether if I have permission... or not...," Mettaton explained to you and Sans. Sans looked back at the robot.

"like what?"

"Gee, I don't know! Well, I shouldn't be holding you up on your way back to Snowdin! Toodles!" Mettaton said as he left with a wave.

You look to Sans. "What was that about? What did he mean?" you asked.

"i have no idea... something tells me that i really don't wanna know at the same time... welp, we oughta be going now anyway."

"How did he know we were going to Snowdin? Did we say something about that yesterday?" you asked.

"hm... did we...? wait. he did not... i really hope he didn't...," Sans said as he facepalmed himself.

"What?" you asked.

Sans pointed to a security camera up in the corner of the room. He then whispers to you, "don't you think that they put one of those in each of the rooms in this building. don't you think he has access to each of them and was listening in on the conversations we had last night?"

You suddenly realize what he meant. You two didn't tell him about going to Snowdin at all yesterday. He had watched the security tapes... It would be in his nature to do so.

"maybe it'd be better if we code jumped back to my house after all... if anyone knows what he did or if he did anything, it's papyrus," Sans told you.

You sighed. So much for the romantic walk... It was too much to hope for anyway. You nod sadly. "Okay..."

"yeah... i don't really want to either, but i'm interested in what mettaton did or is going to do. the only way i can figure it out is by going back. besides, we still had fun on our "date", right?"

"Yeah. More fun than the last two weeks of my life. Maybe we could hang out again next week. I just remembered that I've got a lot of work to get caught up on...," you told Sans.

"you want me to just drop you off at your house or something?"

"No... I've got something to do in Snowdin. You wouldn't mind hopping me over to Snowdin with you would you?" you asked.

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