Part 11

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I never ran so fast in my life. I don't recall ever running in my life actually. For once, I wished I had my bro's power and speed. Despite everything, I didn't stop running.

"It's... all a nightmare... I'll just... wake up...," I told myself through my exhaustion and inhaling.

But Sans... Isn't it your best nightmare...?

Finally, I located Alphys' lab. I brought myself back to the actual world and I stood at her door. I rang the newly installed doorbell and banged on the door, I tapped my foot impatiently. Thankfully there was also an intercom system. I pressed the button and yelled for someone to answer the door. Undyne busted open the door and growled at me.

"WHAT'S YOUR PROBLEM!? SOMEONE HAD BETTER BE DYING OR ELSE- Er..." Undyne's voice trailed away when she finally realized what was happening. She got more serious and was now dragging me inside. "Okay! What happened?!" she demanded.

"It happened too fast... I'm too rattled to really talk about it. Where's Alphys?!" I demanded back.

Undyne nodded. "Just make sure she's still alive!! I'll be back in ten seconds!"

I tried to find a pulse. Was she breathing? I tried to find anything that meant that she was. This was worse than last time. Flowey's improving his game. I'll have to improve mine as well. Undyne was soon racing back with Alphys.

"DON'T ASK WHY! JUST COME ON! ANIME LATER!!" Undyne yelled as she barged into the room and pointed to (y/n). Alphys gasped quickly and kind of shoved me off to the side. She ran around her with a bunch of gizmos and scanners and stuff I didn't know the names of. Undyne was calling everybody and explaining what was happening. Alphys finally flopped to the ground and sighed with relief and my hopes sprang up.

"S-she's alive?!" I demanded.

"Y-Yeah. Just not exactly in stable condition. I might be able to do something. It may take a few hours. Stay here!" Alphys commanded without stuttering for once.

About twenty minutes later, Toriel, Asgore, Papyrus, and Mettaton came. Papyrus, Mettaton, and Toriel tried to force their ways to (y/n), but Undyne fought them off. I looked at them from afar. They must all be wondering what happened. That can wait. I couldn't possibly tell them. They'd think that I didn't do anything. They wouldn't believe the true story and would think I was just too lazy to care until the last second. I didn't want to tell a lie. I couldn't tell the truth. There was one thing I could do. I walked out. Nobody even knew I was gone.

It was lonely as I made my way back to Snowdin. At least, Grillby's was probably open. That'd be the only place left I could go besides my house. He'd talk to me. He'd listen. So, out of lack of options that made sense, I decided to go there.

"So (y/n) is with Dr. Alphys because something tried to drown her and you couldn't do anything to save her?" Grillby asked once I had finally explained everything to him.


Grillby thought without saying a word. He shook his fiery head at me. "What a wonderful friend you are. I don't think that's very considerate of you to just abandon them in their time of need simply because you couldn't handle the fact that they might not make it through. Maybe it'll be because of you that they survive," he explained.

He made a valid point. He just didn't know. I'm not strong enough. I can't. I shook my head at Grillby. "You don't get how I work, do you? I think I told you how I'm a bit of a quitter on everything. This is no different. It's not the first time and it won't be the last. If I do anything to even try, then..."

Now Grillby was getting really annoyed with me. His flames turned a deeper red and there was some white and blue flames intertwining with them. He scares me sometimes when like that because he almost never gets riled up by anything. He slammed his hands of flame down onto the counter and I flinched. "You. Will. Go. Back."

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