Part 3 Snowed In

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As you eat your newly bought cinnamon bun, you listen to Sans' complicated explanation for his teleporting. Unfortunately, he'd be unable to take them anywhere outside of the building because of the harsh climate. That was partially why it was so hard to code jump. If it were normal circumstances, transporting more than one person was easy. You wondered how in the world a blizzard could form underground. You wondered where the snow came from. It didn't matter, but it was odd. The blizzard was actually so strong that it knocked the power out!

You jumped at the sudden change, but soon got used to it. "The power's out! Sans, how did we not see or hear the snow at your house? If I knew, I would have stayed there. Wait, did you know?"

"hey, it's not called snowdin for nothing. actually, I didn't know either, but the reason why was because i had painted all the windows to look like there was always normal weather outside to drive my bro nuts, but so far, i've done so well he hasn't even noticed. not to mention, the walls are thick. really thick. you know that lab i've got around the back? it blocks out a lot of the sound around our house because of it having magic to keep it sound proof. so... that's why i had no idea...," Sans explained.

To you, it sounded more like excuses, but you didn't really care. It began to get cold, so you ask the shopkeeper if she has a fireplace. She nods and leaves to start heating it up and to find some flashlights or something. Some light was able to come in through the window, but because of all of the snow, it was still dark. It made the place look kinda creepy. You inch a little closer to Sans.

"today's been the most interesting day i've had in a while," Sans says to break the silence. You nod. Not every day you get stuck in a shop in the middle of a snowstorm during a blackout. He continues. "you know, i was sorta planning to go somewhere i've been a million times, like, waterfall or something. this is a lot different than what i was expecting. however, i don't think this is a complete waste. it might even be better for all we know. the storm is sure to blow over soon enough and we'll both still get to hang out."

You thought about what he was saying. He was right. Then again, when wasn't he right? You smile. "Yeah."

The shopkeeper came back with a candle and sighed. "I couldn't find where I put the flashlights, so this'll have to do. I started a fire in the fireplace, so that should provide us with enough light for now. We might be here for a while, so you two should get comfy by that fire. Just let me know if you two need something. I have to see if I can reach my sister's cell. While I'm at it, I'll check on Papyrus too for you, okay?" she asked to Sans.

"ok. i'm pretty sure he's steamed about the power going out. he can't make him spaghetti without power, so i'm just warnin' ya," Sans told her.

As soon as the shopkeeper found her phone and tried to get a signal, you two found the fireplace in the back of the shop and sit on the floor of it. The area around it was a lot brighter than the entry area. You're thankful for the heat and the light. You take off Sans' coat.

"Well, what now?" you asked to Sans.

"well, when pap was young, he'd always be scared of blackouts. so, to help him keep his mind off of the blackout, we'd tell each other stories. they'd usually be kinda silly, but we'd always get a good laugh out of it," he answered.

"I like the idea," you told him.

"stories it is then. so, you wanna go first or should i?"

You weren't sure about your story telling skills. It was hard to come up with ideas for stories. So, because you didn't want to get stuck or mess up, you tell him to go first.

As he tells his stories, you're fascinated with his creativity. He probably had a lot of experience at thinking up excuses and pranks to thank for that. The fact that he could think himself out of almost any problem with a joke or just quick wit made him an interesting story teller. There was always a plot twist and you became instantly entranced. He occasionally told a ridiculous story from his past and you found those to be the most hilarious. You occasionally asked a question and Sans would answer it without giving anything away about the plot he was setting. You thought that Papyrus should just ask Sans to make up his bedtime stories rather than reading to him!

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