Response 2 We Can Risk It!

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(If you chose to say yes, go back to the last chapter)

"I... I think that we can take the risk of not getting locked up. I don't really feel like running, but there's no way that I'll go willingly to jail for something you didn't do. You don't deserve that," you finally answered.

Sans nodded. "I thought you would say something like that. I may not exactly have said the same thing, but I could feel the way you felt when they started accusing me and you didn't like it. So, I'll respect your answer. However, I'm a little surprised! If you were to get hurt, that would mean that both of us would be goners! Not to mention, you still only have... 1.5 HP. If I could fix that, I would. It's just that I can't fix that."

"W-Wait! I only have 1.5 HP?!" you demanded.

"You mean you haven't noticed?!" Sans asked back.

You breathed in and slowly exhaled. It was too dangerous to go outside. You came up with a solution. "We can just stay here."

Sans thought about your suggestion. "Good idea. Stay locked up in my room until the mob breaks in and gets us. You know, if they ever do. Well, that'd be safer than being outside right now without handcuffs and Undyne. What do you suppose would happen if we were to go outside?" he asked.

You made yourself look more threatening and growled in reply, "I am the human! I'll crush you with just my thumb!!" Then you made yourself look sweet and innocent, "So, uh, could you please leave Sans alone... You know, please...?"

Sans laughed. "You'll scare them away with your split personality! Yep! That'll scare away most monsters! If not, it'll make them uncomfortable!"

"Maybe we should give our answer to Undyne now. I don't really want her to get mad at you again... It was my fault that she wanted to absolutely kill you earlier...," you said as you recalled Undyne with her endless need for justice and the bravest of the brave.

Sans shook his head. "How you ever managed to befriend her, I'll never know."

"I smashed veggies with MY BARE HANDS!!!!!!!" you screamed as you held up your fist to the sky pretending to be Undyne.

"Okay fish lady, let's give the real one our answer now," Sans said as he regained control and code jumped down the stairs. All the code jumping made your head hurt. A lot.

"'Sup guys. I got your answer," Sans said to Undyne.

"Yeah? What is it?" asked Undyne.

Sans put his hands up. "Please don't kill me, but we've decided not to go willingly to jail. Please don't get mad at us," Sans said trying not to make Undyne mad.

Undyne sat silently on the floor as she thought about what Sans had said. Toriel was still worried, but she remained silent. Papyrus was staring at Undyne as he waited for her answer. Mettaton was barely paying attention because he was grumbling about how he was late for one of his shows.

"WELL?!" asked Papyrus to Undyne.

"I suppose that you can. I did make it a question. If that's what (y/n) wants... I suppose I can work something out with Asgore and the Capital. However, you guys have no idea how hard it is to negotiate with the Capital. I know Asgore will agree, however, the others there will not like the idea because it's almost time for us to leave the barrier and this is ruining everything. Even though their pains in the butt, I'll do my best to make sure your wish is granted!" Undyne said as she raised a spear to the sky to prove that she would keep her promise.

Sans sighed with relief. "Okay. This means a lot. We're just going to stay locked up in my room being bored all day anyway. So, I don't think you'll have to worry about anything. Besides, Alphys should be finishing up with whatever she's doing down at her lab soon."

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