Part 8

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 "S-Sans...?" you asked weakly as you opened your eyes. Everything was pitch black again. Flowey had dragged you through Snowdin Forest and somehow brought you into the ruins. You were lying on top of the bed of flowers. The place where you started. You sat up and looked around. Flowey was gone. There was nobody there. With all of your might, you struggled to the door.

As you walked, a feeling of hopelessness developed in your soul. You felt weak. You felt lonely. You felt like you were walking to your doom. It was dark everywhere. You began to limp. Limping went to crawling. Crawling went to a dead stop. A dead stop went to the lowest you've ever felt.

"What did I have to believe in...? I'm never going to leave this place... Was the entire Underground just a dream that wasn't worth having...? Wake me up from this nightmare..."

"But (y/n)..., isn't it your best nightmare...?" asked a voice to you.

Suddenly, you jumped. That itself was a dream. You looked around. This time, you were certain that you were awake. It was still fairly dark, but this time, two people were here with you. You weakly looked up.

"SANS! SHE'S AWAKE!" yelled Papyrus' loud voice.

"She is?!" demanded Sans' deeper voice as you heard him run over.

Your eyes began to adjust to the dark and you could see the outlines of Papyrus' room. You wondered how you got there. If it weren't for your headache, you would've sat up. "Papyrus...? Sans...? Where's Flowey...?"

"The freaky flower's not going to bug you anymore. It's a long story, but I'm sure you'll have all the time in the world unless if Toriel doesn't allow you to talk  because it's too "early" to let them. I got an earful from her when she found out about this." Sans said.

"ARE YOU ALRIGHT?! DID THEY HURT YOU?!" asked Papyrus as he latched onto your shoulders which made you wince slightly in pain. These injuries were new...

Sans nudged Papyrus to indicate that he probably shouldn't hang onto you like that and he instantly let go. You looked towards Sans. He looked beat. "Sans, what happened to you...?"

Sans turned to Papyrus. "Maybe it'd be better if I talked with (y/n) alone. She deserves to know the true truth...," he explained.

Papyrus was silent for a moment. He nodded. "OKAY SANS..." He then left the room and you could feel Sans gently grab your hand and sigh.

"Sans..., what happened...? I can't remember... How long was I asleep?" you asked.

"Well..., you were taken by Flowey and I heard you scream my name. So, I followed. The flower dragged you into the ruins and by that time I had a major bone to pick with it. Once he reached the bed of flowers at the start of the ruins, you blacked out. It was about then that he realized I was there and we began to fight. Actually, I lied when I said that he wasn't going to hurt you anymore. I was only barely able to get you out of his grasp before teleporting away. You've been out cold ever since," Sans explained. He stopped and his tone got a lot softer. "I was really worried... That all happened about three days ago... You were about all I could think about. I couldn't even go to Grillby's without getting overwhelmed by thoughts of what might happen to you if... if I left..."

"Three days...?" you thought about what happened over and over. The image of Flowey's twisted face still haunted you. Sans held onto your hand tighter.

"I guess, all of that worrying was for nothing, right? I mean, you're fine now."

"Sans... Why'd you stay...? How long have you been here...?" you asked. You hoped he would say what you hoped for a long time he would say. His face was blue and if you weren't hurt so badly, you'd be a burning red.

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