Part 14

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Slowly, you began to stir from your sleep. You felt a million times better! When you awoke, a faint image from the dream you had fluttered back.

"See? Told ya things would work out!"

"I didn't doubt you for a second! I knew you were going to be right about Alphys fixing everything! Then again, when are you wrong?"


"Is... uh... something wrong?"

"Don't suppose that it would be out of character to ask you... a question?"


"Uh... Nevermind. It's not important."

"It's not?"

"It never was."

The dream was only a dream right? The entire conversation! However, you did sorta wanna know what Sans was going to ask... It didn't matter. Finally, you opened your eyes and sat up. Sans did too and he looked like he had just woken up himself. You stretched your arms and blinked.

"Well, rise and shine even if the sun isn't shining! How'd you sleep?" he asked.

"Alright, I guess. I had this dream that I had a conversation with you after I had been returned to normal. There was sun, and grass, and a blue sky."

"That's funny. I had the exact same dream, whatever it was. Probably because our souls are connected or something. DId I say something about a question or something that wasn't important?" he asked.

You nodded and he seemed hardly surprised. "Well, I lied. I'll tell you about that later. For now, I think you outta hand over that soul you swiped from me!" he said referring to your left hand.

You looked at your left hand and noticed that you had snagged the soul somehow. You had no idea how it got there. Did you sleep steal it?! How would you do that? Also, you and Sans were almost perfectly in sync (almost). Wouldn't he have known about it if you had? Maybe. Or...

"You did that on purpose, didn't you?!"

"Aww... You stole my heart! But seriously, I'm going to need that back because I think we'll be having a visitor," Sans said as he snagged it back.

"That's half mine, you know!" you snapped.

"Eh. Don't remind me," Sans replied as he shoved his soul theft from his mind. You finally let it be and tried to figure out what Sans meant by a visitor. Papyrus? Undyne? Toriel?

None of the above.

A tiny flower poked his head through the window and crawled in through. He looked towards you and Sans. He knew you were there. He didn't attack. Flowey didn't seem mad either.

"Well, lookie who's here to crash our little party, (y/n). I thought I sensed a weed," Sans commented.

"Hiya, bonebag... Well, I guess I'm only saying that half-heartedly now. Don't worry, I'm not here to kill you or your little girlfriend..."

"Oh, really?" he asked not nearly convinced.

Flowey didn't move. However, he did start to change. He engulfed by a ball of light and you both knew he was not a flower anymore. You gasped as you watched and Sans seemed a little surprised himself. A tiny flower changed in a bright light from a flower to a small goat kid. You remembered him and called out his name.

Asriel! Asriel! Can you hear me?! It's me! (Y/n)! Asriel!!

Sans seemed a little taken aback by the sudden change and your yelling in recognition. Asriel sweetly looked to you and then remembered the horrible things he did and looked away. "Howdy... I guess I can't really be called your best friend anymore, can I?"

You're My Sunshine (Sans x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now