Part 15 CLIMAX!!

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 Once again, life flooded through you and you sucked in a breath. Finally... You were so tired of being trapped. Now, you were normal. For the first time in what felt like an eternity, you felt like things were normal. Ever since the near-drowning incident. Alphys was beaming when she saw that her work was a success for once! Your hand moved when your brain told it to. Your feelings that were once all mixed up seemed to be clearer now. Suddenly, a memory flashed through your brain. Sans!

"Alphys, what happened to Sans?" you asked still trying to get used to using your own mouth to talk. It was so different.

"W-Well, he's-"

"Right over here?"

You glanced towards the direction of his voice. You felt your heart begin to flutter uncontrollably. You knew your hormones were back to normal because you could feel yourself blushing and your pounding heart screaming 'Hug him! He's yours!' Meanwhile, the logical side of you brain was rolling its eyes and thinking, 'Really...?' Shoving the two sides out of the way, you ran up to him and hugged him burying your face into his shoulder. (Yeah, you're short). At first, he tensed up with surprise and then hugged you back tightly. Alphys watching with a look of amazement and then started fangirling and shipping.

"Oh my gosh?! That's. So. ADORABLE!! You and Sans are totally a perfect match! I thought that Mettaton was bluffing when he said he was trying to set you two up, but now I can see he was totally right! Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! It's just like those cute little anime romances! We have to do something!" Alphys screamed as she spoke a mile a minute.

When you and Sans finally let go, you looked towards Alphys. Because she was speaking so fast, you had very little idea of what she was saying. "Um... What?"

Alphys stopped and looked at you seriously. "You are dating him, right?"


"OH MY GOSH!! I have to tell everyone! The Undernet! The Underground! The universe! It's perfect!" she squealed.

"Could you please just stay quiet about this for the time being? When I tell you, you can go tell everyone, but for now, I think everyone has surface preparations to make," Sans explained.

Alphys sighed and tried to get herself back under control. "All right... Just so you know, this is my new favorite ship of all time. Anyway, I'm sure you'd like to tell everyone about (y/n) being back to normal. I'm going to watch some anime! Anyway, bye!" Alphys said as she ran to another room.

"Well, that's not new. So, are we going to go back to Snowdin?" you asked Sans.

"Yeah, what time is it? We've been here for a while and I know that it's not afternoon anymore," Sans answered as he stared up towards the clock.


You stared up at the clock in alarm. You'd been there all day?! Sure it was a risky process to separate two souls, but all day?! "Well, that's great! Everybody's going to be asleep!" you stated.

"Except Papyrus."

"Except Papyrus!" you added.

You tapped your foot with annoyance. Then you remembered. You had a foot! All to yourself and nobody said no to you moving your foot! After your burst of annoyance, you started tapping a jazzy tune with your feet against the tile floor. You were tempted to smile with pleasure, however, you were too annoyed to even dare.

"So, what now?"

Since there was no point in being annoyed, you thought. You could go partying in perfect condition all night, you could go back to your house, you could spend the night on Sans and Papyrus' couch, or...

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