Part 12

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You jerked awake from your slumber and looked around. As you tried to sit up, pain shot through you and you flopped back to the ground. You checked your HP. 2/20. What happened? All you could remember was drowning. Were you even alive? What was this? What was happening? Your surroundings were black and it was silent. As you looked around, you saw that you were the only one there. You were illuminated a little too in this strange place. You finally brought yourself to stand up and ignore the pain that shot like lightning through your body. The ground trembled slightly. You felt tired and curious. Why did you always have to wake up in darkness somewhere? Without warning, the world jerked and you tripped. 1/20. You had to be more careful. You couldn't die now. You continued forward with extra caution.

There were many tremors. You tried to find your way to a light. A person. A something. As the darkness flew by, the tremor hit ever so suddenly and the ground shook violently. You let out a shriek! You only had 1/20 HP left! You wouldn't survive if you messed up! CRACK! The ground split open! You couldn't get away in time! The world flew away from you and you felt your soul fracture soon to split in half to assure your death!

As you felt sure that your life would slip away from you... You felt someone grab onto your arm firmly. You looked up as the being hauled you back to the solid ground. Hardly able to believe it, you remained silent. He dusted himself off and the two of you seemed to expect the other to answer first. When you spoke, you started talking at the same time. After being interrupted, you'd then come jerking to a stop in mid-sentence.

"How did-" "How was-"


Sans paused and you decided to take that silence as a chance to ask a million questions. He seemed hardly surprised.

"What is this place?! How did you get here?! What's up with all the tremors and why aren't I dead? Or are we dead?! If that's so, did you die too?! What's going on?!" you demanded all at once. Sans looked awkwardly to you.

"Well, you're kinda dead. Yet, your soul lives on," he explained. He knew something. You sat and awaited an explanation. Sans sighed. "When you almost drowned, I took you to Alphys who was able to fix you up. However you went missing at the lab and I came here knowing that Flowey would've taken you back to the ruins to have your soul taken. I showed up far too late to save you. However, I was able to save this," he explained as he held up his soul. It was pink and filled with determination!

As the facts came piling in, you realized what was going on and you clutched at your chest where your soul would've been. The only reason you were here now was because he absorbed your cracking soul. You gazed at the pink soul and sighed. "Does Chara have my body...?" you asked bluntly.

"No... Turns out the black soul that belonged to Chara couldn't enter it as a vessel because it was too banged up. If she entered it, then she would have died instantly and would be back to square one. The good news is that you're, for the most part, safe. It's with Alphys. She has a theory on how to shift you back into it. If it doesn't work, then if you get another vessel that can store a soul, it won't be human. You'd have to become like Mettaton with a robot body, I suppose," Sans explained.

You felt a sudden hopelessness all of the sudden. Your determination was with Sans and you didn't really want to do anything. You assumed that everything around you was supposed to represent the state that your soul is in. Was it yours or Sans' now? It didn't matter. You curled up in a ball on the ground and closed your eyes. You weren't determined to do anything.

You could feel him wrap his arm around you and yet you couldn't find reason to move or change anything in any way. It was until he said... "Forgive me..."

You weren't really sure if you were sleeping or just dozing. Sans was messing around with his new determined soul. Pink. Red and white make pink when combined. You wondered why it was completely black all around. You had learned from Asriel that when he absorbed Chara's soul, they both had control over what the person did. Was this the same thing?

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