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For most twenty-one year olds, the biggest worry either pertains to whether or not they'll pass their college courses or how in the world they'll pay their college loan debts.

Not for Hayley Williams, who did not need to worry about either of those issues.

Her parents scolded her for not even applying to any colleges. She had a plan after high school, though. Move in with her boyfriend Josh, and the two would love each other and live happily ever after.

None of that worked out.

But two years after the end of her relationship with Josh, and she's doing better than any of her former classmates were, making thousands per week already. As heartbroken as she once was, she now looks at the breakup as what was required for her to see what she really needed to be doing.

The people online didn't know her. They didn't know her birthday, or the location of where she was born, nor did they care to know small details such as those. They knew her by her username. HotHayley88. (Not the best username, but she had no better ideas). The only times those people cared about her were when they needed to jerk off, and she was streaming or when they watched the videos of her's that they'd purchased from her online. Otherwise, she was nothing to them.

Speaking of horny men needing to cum, she was prepared to be told disgusting things like she wasn't even human as she entered her username and password into the white boxes of the website.

She had a system. Whoever tipped highest, they would get to decide what she would do. And if in the middle of doing whatever their disgusting little hearts desired, someone tipped higher, she'd do as they wanted.

Sometimes, she did only what she wanted. But that was rare and disappointed the viewers. Plus, she'd make less when she chose to go that way.

Before beginning the broadcast, she collected the toys she may need for the night's show. She stripped herself of the majority of her clothing, remaining in just her silk bra and panties. Matching, of course.

The girl walked to the mirror, messing with her hair a bit. Once that was settled, she returned to her laptop that sat upon her bed.

With a heavy exhale, she began the broadcast.

Many viewers joined the show, comments pouring in.

"I wish I could fuck u"


That's only to name a few. There were plenty more comments, but she avoided certain regular viewers that would typically comment such disgusting things about her. She would have them kicked out of the stream if she weren't so desperate for their money.

"What do all you want to see tonight?" She asked, leaning forward slightly to read the comments.

"Anal ;)" one comment read. No way. Only if given a very high tip would she be willing to do that. To her, not much was worse than pretending to enjoy that.

"Whoever tips the most gets to choose," she said with a smile. Immediately, tips began pouring in, comments following. But soon, there was a tip more than double the previous offer, by a user that went by DaddyYork. Nobody could beat his offer.

"Well Daddy York, tell me what it is you would like for me to do," she spoke softly.

Behind his own computer, Taylor, better known by his alias of DaddyYork on the site, stroked himself slowly. With his free hand, he managed to type "I want you to touch yourself, but I want you to stop before you bring yourself to your orgasm. I don't want you to cum until I tell you to."

Hayley read the reply, smirking slightly as she sat back.

"Whatever you say, daddy," she answered softly, and leaned over to pick up one of her toys. The name caused a bit of pre-cum to drip down his length.

This guy had always left the occasional comment, even when she was new to webcam modeling. But it was only recently he had began tipping, and even being the highest tipper.

She grabbed one of her favorite toys, her good ol' vibrator. Of course, she applied some lubricant to the toy. She slowly stripped herself of the last two pieces of clothing. Now bra-less and underwear-less, she once again focused on the wants of the viewers. Specifically of the highest tipper. Nobody even tried to match his donation.

The orange-haired girl set the toy down, gripping it with one hand as she hovered her hips over it.

"Wish this was you, daddy," she spoke in the gentle, yet sexy tone that always got her audience going. She sank down onto the toy, emitting an overly exaggerated moan. It felt good, but not that good.

While viewers commented all sorts of things, Taylor knew that she was doing this all for him. That she was only doing this because he requested it.

"You're so sexy"

"Wish that was me too, baby"

"im gonna cum"

Hayley ignored the lewd comments that came in, as she moved her hips slowly. She knew that the louder she was, the better.

After a moment of riding the toy, she chose to finally turn the device on. It began buzzing inside of her, and her legs immediately began to shake. This time, a genuine moan escaped her.

When this happened, Taylor's grip on the base of his cock tightened slightly. He didn't want to cum just yet, not when she hadn't even gotten to the good part. Where she'd be begging for release. That was where it would get fun.

"I'm close," Hayley whined, continuing to move against the toy. But then she remembered what had been requested.

So she stopped completely, pulling the toy out of her and switching it off. Her chest moved up and down as she attempted to catch her breath.

"I want you to beg for it, babygirl," Taylor typed with his free hand. His actions were repetitive. He'd stroke himself until he felt his release approaching, and then he'd stop and prevent it. It was torturous, but something about it was so hot.

Everything about the man's message was arousing to Hayley. The way he took control, but wasn't being gross about it like so many viewers always were. Of course, there was the occasional decent human being found in the chat, but Hayley assumed most were just middle-aged men who weren't happy with their sex lives, therefore took it out on her.

"I want to cum, daddy. Please, can I? I'm so close. I've been a good girl, it's only fair," she begged with her hands clasped in front of her nude chest. She jutted her bottom lip out, pouting.

"You can cum," Taylor quickly typed with one hand, returning to stroking himself. He could feel his release incoming, the familiar feeling very obvious in his lower belly.

Hayley went back to using the vibrating toy. After mere seconds of moving both her wrist and her hips in time with the other, she could not resist. Her eyes shut tight, her legs shook, and loud moans and whines left her lips.

This was all it took for the highest payer of the night to reach his own release. It covered his bare chest, loud noises leaving him. It was moments like these where Taylor was grateful he no longer lived with anyone.

She was panting as she pulled the toy out of herself, but a small smirk was evident as well.

"Thank you, daddy," she spoke softly, winking as she ended the broadcast.

Once the show was over, she collapsed onto her bed. The girl rolled off of her bed, pulled on some fresh clothes, and returned to the laptop.

Something about that top tipper seemed...weird. He seemed to be more generous than most, and his profile picture was simply of a guitar. Most users made their profile pictures photos of their dicks.

Hayley didn't care for what his story was. Who he was. All she cared about was his money.

Hopefully, his money would keep coming in.

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