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Friday and Saturday were the same as always. Hayley broadcasted, hundreds of horny dudes watched. That, of course, included Taylor. The only difference was that he was a bit quieter in the chat, though he still contributed just as much money as usual.

Something about her was just so amazing, to him. The way she could easily captivate the entirety of her audience. How she could get nearly every single person that watched to beg her to do something specifically for them.

Sunday was the worst of all. He now wanted to call her, or see her face. Just seeing her would calm him down, lift his mood. But she took Sunday's off. Maybe it was a good time for Taylor to instead ask for forgiveness for his sins. Yes, that was best. God, forgive him.

Monday and Tuesday, just as Friday and Saturday, were the same as usual. Go to work, get home, jerk off, go to sleep. And repeat.

When Tuesday finally became Wednesday, Taylor did not hesitate in reaching out to the girl he'd basically been obsessing over.

It was 12:01 AM, and there was a high chance that Hayley was not even awake. But it wasn't too late, right?

DaddyYork: hey, are you available for a skype call later today? Or even now, I don't care when. Just let me know when you're available, and I'll be sure to make time. Thanks, darling.

Hayley was conflicted, as she got the notification of the message.

He would want to get personal with her. No. She couldn't.

HotHayley88: sorry, booked up :/

Something about that didn't seem entirely genuine to Taylor.

DaddyYork: I'll pay you double what you usually charge

Fuck. That was tough to say no to.

HotHayley88: what time works best for you?

DaddyYork: Any time. Even now, if you really are busy tomorrow. Or technically today. At least for my time.

Hayley did not respond. Instead, she sighed, and lifted her laptop from the carpeted floors of her bedroom. She flicked the lamp on, the dull light being just enough to dimly illuminate the otherwise dark room. Off came her old Mickey Mouse sweatshirt, leaving her solely in her bra and underwear.

She powered on Skype, scrolling through the many skype contacts she had on the app.

Finally, she found the contact she had been searching for.

Taylor York.

There was a grey circle beside his name, indicating that he was offline.

She called him, nonetheless.

Seeing as how she hadn't replied to him, the male jumped to the conclusion that he was being ignored. But when he saw that he was being called, his eyes widened slightly and he rushed to turn on the lights of his bedroom.

He pressed the notification that sat at the top of his phone screen, the Skype application opening immediately.

Seconds after accepting the call, Hayley's face appeared on the screen. As she showed up, so did a smile upon Taylor's face.

"Hey, beautiful," he spoke softly, the happy expression upon his face not fading for an instant.

"Hey, daddy," she said, a small and far-from-genuine smile on her lips.

"No, I don't want you to call me that. Not right now. Taylor. Call me Taylor."

"Uh, okay. Taylor, what do you want to do with me?" She asked quietly.

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