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After returning home, a slightly buzzed Taylor once again reached out to Hayley, requesting a Skype call. He once again offered to pay her double the usual cost for the call. But she refused, instead only wanting to be paid the regular price for it. She didn't want him to spend all his money on her.

She wasn't going to let him get a free call, though.

She hated that she cared about him, even if it wasn't a strong appreciation that she had for certain others that were once in her life. But all it took was one call, and she was hooked.

Taylor answered the call, his first words to the girl being "hello, beautiful." She blushed, and did a terrible job of trying to mask the deep color that appeared on her cheeks.

"Do you want our call to be like last night's, or..." she trailed off, the 'or' being obvious.

"Last night's, please," Taylor requested, smiling as he watched Hayley continue to blush and smile. Though her blush had somewhat faded, it was still present on her pale cheeks.

"Can I ask you a question?" Taylor asked.

"You just did," Hayley said with a giggle.

As cute as her laughter was, that was such a dad joke. Not a good one.

"Another question. But I'll take that as a yes. Okay, why did you choose to be a...a camgirl? Not to shame you, or your career or anything. Because I think it's awesome that you're confident enough in your body to put it on display for all the people you do. Just out of curiosity," Taylor questioned and clarified his reasoning for wondering.

Hayley sighed. For a moment, she considered lying to him. Telling him that she enjoyed showing off her body, that it was something she wanted to do for a long time. But none of that was true. It was because she needed money, and this was a way to make that money following her harsh breakup.

"So, when I was eighteen, I decided not to go to college. Because I had a boyfriend at the time, and I figured that it made more sense for me to live with him instead of attending school for any longer. I thought we'd be together forever. But he cheated on me. He cheated on me, and then he begged me to stay. He told me that it was a mistake, that it wouldn't happen again. And then it happened a second time, and I was angrier. I cried, and yelled, and was so mad. Can you blame me? I was lied to and betrayed. And then he...he told me that he didn't love me anymore. So I left. I moved back in with my mom, and began webcam modeling shortly after. I got a regular job before that, but discovered that most camgirls make good money, which I can say; we do. If we're good, at least. I moved out as soon as I could, and now I'm happy with my life. I'm making a good living, I'm happy," she explained, and Taylor just stared.

He assumed that her story was simply; she liked sex and being watched as she masturbated, so why not make money through it?

Before, he had no idea that there was so much more behind it. That if she had only had success in her previous relationship, she wouldn't be in the same place.

"Have you been in a relationship since him?" Taylor asked, dropping his chin into his palm. Hayley shook her head slowly, looking away as she frowned.

"No, I've always been really occupied with this. It's a pretty demanding job, especially since my only free day is Sunday, which I actually am still busy on. I have church, sometimes see family." She shrugged.

Taylor had noticed the solid black, cross tattoo that permanently sat upon her right thigh, but never took a moment to process it. Maybe he just ignored it, thinking that someone who was a sex worker couldn't possibly be religious.

"You're religious, huh? I have seen your thigh tattoo, but never thought about it. Speaking of tattoos, how many do you have?" He asked, definitely having seen many on the girl's body throughout the time he's spent watching her.

She adjusted her body, her right ankle coming into view. The first one she pointed out was a patched up heart, the letters 'HH' inked into her skin above the shape.

"Doesn't mean too much, just something I wanted to get. It stands for 'Hurtin' Hearts', considering I seem to be doing that quite a lot in this line of work. I've watched viewers cry during Skype calls. It's crazy," she said with a chuckle, and continued to explain her tattoo.

She explained the humorous "Shave Me" tattoo, how it was because when she was younger, she would oftentimes either forget to shave or refuse to and how she'd be teased for it. Now, it was almost a reminder to do it

She then explained the simple, obvious meaning behind the tattooed cross. And then she moved on to the small heart tattoo upon her wrist, and Taylor noticed something as she spoke about it. She appeared unhappy, her expression changing. She said that the tattoo was one that she had gotten to just have matching tattoos with her best friend. Or...former best friend.

She just so happened to be the girl Josh ended up being with. No more love, as the heart once represented.

She revealed the tattooed flowers upon her hip, explaining the meaning behind them, how they represented her and her sisters, blah blah blah. Taylor couldn't focus, needing to tell himself "don't get hard, don't get hard."

He calmed down, feeling a wave of relief pass over him as she went on to show off the words tattooed upon her forearm.

And then her Elvis inspired tattoo, her tattoo of a hand holding an envelope that rested just beside the cross tattoo. And then lastly, she went on to explain the meaning behind the tattoo of her more recent tattoo, how she'd gotten a matching one with her sister, the tattoo being of something from Wayne's World, which Taylor now knew was her favorite movie.

He enjoyed learning more and more about her.

The call reached the thirty minute mark, which meant Taylor's price was already at ninety dollars. Considering all the money he paid the girl the previous night, he decided to wrap it up.

"I'm pretty tired. Think I may have to end this call sometime soon, but hey...I know I asked at the end of our first Skype call, but you may have not heard me," Taylor explained, trying to get to the point that he wanted her number.

Hayley could sense that that was exactly what was on his mind. But she continued to listen.

"Do you think we could exchange phone numbers? Only if you're comfortable with that, of course. You don't need to do anything you don't want to," Taylor told her. The part about her not needing to do anything she was uncomfortable with was a more general statement. Though he made it sound more like it was only meant for the current conversation, he sort of also meant that even sexually, she did not need to do anything she didn't want to just for his sake.

She sighed. Part of her was screaming "no, don't do it. He'll only be creepy. It's not safe." But then again, another part of her was saying "come on, it'll be fine. He's being sweet." She sided with the latter.

"Alright, only 'cause you asked so nicely. But I swear, I'll ruin your life if you give this to anyone," she threatened. Taylor laughed...she wasn't kidding around.

She gave her number to her customer, and there was something Taylor immediately noticed.

They had the same area code.

He noticed that they did live close, when he sent her...toy to her P.O. box, but had pushed the thought to the back of his mind.

Not wanting to appear creepy, he kept that information to himself. He wouldn't mention it, unless she did.

"I'll text you sometime soon. I hope you don't charge me for that," he said, a soft chuckle passing his lips.

Dammit, that was her plan.

Well, maybe she could make a friend.

"Of course not," she reassured him, reciprocating the laughter.

"Alright, I have to go. Have a good night, beautiful," Taylor said to Hayley, before ending the call.

He shut down his laptop, collapsing onto his bed.

The things he could do to Hayley on this bed.

One day. One day.

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