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{dedicated to my fav smut lover: gotta-let-it-happen}

He couldn't do it. He couldn't not make an effort to see Hayley. But there was no way she would willingly give out her address.

All he knew was that she was living in Franklin, Tennessee, while Taylor resided in Nashville.

He needed to see her.

Luckily, due to his line of work, he was better than most when it came to certain types of investigation.

After three and a half hours of intense research online on a Sunday night, Taylor found it.

He found her address.

Instead of immediately rushing to her home, he chose to wait for the following weekend, not wanting to take off from work. His father had already been suspicious as is, no need to worsen that.

Besides, he wanted to try to plan out what he would do and say.

Throughout the week, Taylor acted normal. A bit odd, but overall not much was different. Hayley assumed it was just him being weird, a side of him she had never experienced before.

But then Friday afternoon came around. He left work early after convincing his father to allow him to. He just claimed that he wasn't feeling too good. Worked just like when he tried to skip school every now and then when he was younger. As long as he didn't do it often, it worked like a charm.

Taylor made his way to Hayley's apartment building, pausing as he looked up to the top of the structure.

"What am I doing?" He said to himself, emitting a soft sigh.

He was too far in to turn back.

He needed more time to think about what to say. After parking his vehicle and entering the building, he walked up the stairwell. The elevator was an option, but that did not allow him enough time to think his thoughts through.

"Just say surprise. No, that won't work. What if You know what, I'll just be totally honest. What if she's creeped out? Nah, she won't be creeped out...that I tracked her down. Okay, maybe she'll be a little creeped out. It's not so bad. I can do it. I'll say surprise, and I'll go from there," he thought to himself, head spinning with terrible ideas.

There was nothing he could do now that would prevent a poor reaction. The only thing that would prevent it would be not showing up.

He exhaled as he stood in front of the door that separated him from Hayley

He knocked on the heavy door, his heartbeat becoming more and more irregular.

Hayley didn't expect the man on the other side of the door to be who it really was. She expected to open the door to see the pizza delivery man, holding the box of the veggie pizza she had ordered fifteen minutes before.

"Coming!" She exclaimed after hearing the knock on the door. She found her wallet, bringing it with her to the front door of her small, yet comfortable apartment.

"Hey, glad you're -- what. No. What the...what the fuck are you doing here?" Hayley asked, her wallet falling from her hands as she backed up. Taylor shut the door behind himself.

"Surprise," he said, his shaky voice and fake smile showing his obvious nervousness.

"How the fuck did you find me?" Hayley asked, backing up enough to be just beside the entrance to her kitchen. She quickly darted into the smaller room, grabbed a butter knife, and returned to where Taylor was.

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