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With Taylor's arms wrapped tightly around her, the boy napping beside her, Hayley didn't have a worry in the world other than how she really wanted that pizza she ordered but did not want to risk waking Taylor from his nap.

Little did she know, there was a whole lot more to worry about.

In his own bedroom sat Joshua Farro.

He had been watching Hayley's broadcasts for weeks. He wanted her back. No, he needed her back, nobody completed him like she did.

He still regretted letting her go. He regretted causing her to go from being the greatest thing in his life to just a memory that he needed to let go of.

Worst of all, he couldn't bring himself to let go.

He found Hayley's webcam modeling account after searching her name time and time again in the hopes of finding some sort of social media he hadn't yet been blocked on. His number was not blocked, but he did not want to be that direct until he was certain that there was no other way of contacting her.

Instead of finding any Twitter or Instagram accounts, or anything of the sort, he found her in the middle of a broadcast. He sat there, eyes wide as he watched her refer to strangers as "daddy" and flatter them endlessly as she touched herself.

Considering that Josh happened to find Hayley attractive and that she was putting her body on display, Josh definitely did get rather hot 'n bothered.

After fixing that situation, he began his research. Soon, he discovered that Hayley had begun her shows just shortly after the two of them broke up.

The reason he initially reached out to his ex-girlfriend was because he wanted her back. Seeing all the things she would do, along with seeing her body in general caused the male to begin to miss the girl more and more with each show.

But she didn't want him back. That was even clear to him. As if him being blocked on every form of social media wasn't enough evidence, her behavior when they met in a local Starbucks proved it even further.

He planned to slowly but surely gain her trust after some time. But as he watched Hayley having sex with another man, a complete stranger, he could not control his temper.

He was nearly fuming as she made all these noises of pleasure for this guy. Josh could still remember the way she sounded as they would fuck. Unenthusiastic. She'd let out moans that were fake. He had a feeling they were, but told himself that he was overthinking it. This proved the truth. She seemed to be a polar opposite with this guy.

He waited a few minutes, turning off his computer and letting his troubles below the belt go away with time, thinking about anything and everything that would turn him off.

He didn't remember how he got a hold of Hayley's new address, but he was grateful that her location was known.

He hurried over, knocking hard on the door with the side of his fist. No answer. Again, knock knock. No answer whatsoever.

"Who's that?" Hayley asked, wearing just a pair of panties and Taylor's t-shirt that was just long enough to cover below where her underwear ended.

Taylor, now awake, only wore his boxers, not feeling the need to dress up in Hayley's presence.

He shrugged his shoulders. "I dunno, sweetheart. Let's go check," Taylor said, pushing himself out of Hayley's bed. She joined him, and they walked hand-in-hand to the front door.

Hayley raised herself onto her tip-toes, checking who was waiting on the opposite side of the door. When she saw the all too familiar face of her ex-boyfriend, her mood dropped completely.

She took a step back, shaking her head.

"What?" Was all Taylor asked as he extended his arm to reach for the doorknob. By the time Hayley grabbed his arm in protest, it was too late. Josh could see Hayley's half-nude body, along with Taylor's almost completely naked body. But to him, this boy with several tattoos and curly-hair was nothing but a stranger. That, and someone that stood in the way of Hayley becoming his.

"Hello, do you need something?" Taylor asked the stranger, who stood there with his arms crossed over his chest.

"Hayley knows who I am."

Hayley gulped as all attention was turned to her.

"That's...that's my ex...my ex-boyfriend," she spoke slowly, moving closer and closer to Taylor and clinging to him by the arm.

"Can I come in?" Josh asked.

"No," Taylor answered.

In return, Josh scoffed and shook his head. "Well, okay then. I saw your video, whatever it was. So what is it that you two are, huh? Fuck-buddies. Boyfriend and girlfriend? Trust me, you shouldn't waste your time on her. She's not worth a second of it."

"Why would I trust you? I can't find a single reason to go to you when it comes to honesty. Leave, dude," Taylor demanded.

"Fine, I'll leave. Don't complain when your slut of a girlfriend gives you some disease, dude," Josh retorted.

"Get the fuck out of here," Taylor demanded yet again, hands balling up into fists as his jaw tightened. With another scoff, Josh stepped closer to Taylor.

The two of them didn't even know each other's names. Yes, Taylor had already forgotten Josh's name. They didn't need to know those details, all they knew was that they hated each other. And that was all the information that was needed.

Out of the blue, Josh raised his fist and punched Taylor firmly in the chest. Due to where the punch was located, this only caused Taylor to raise his left hand to the spot he'd been punched and take a small step back. He stepped closer, now raising his fist to hit Taylor directly in the mouth.

He collapsed onto the floor, mouth covered by his hand.

"Fine, bye," Joshua finally said, and went on his way.

"What the fuck?" Taylor said aloud in utter confusion as Josh shut the door.

"We need to take care of you," the girl sunk to her knees and said, hand rising to run through Taylor's (beautiful) curls. Though he was in pain, he refused any assistance.

"I'm okay."

"Can you stay with me tonight?" Hayley asked.

Taylor brought himself to his feet and looked around the apartment. Nothing was wrong with her home, but he preferred his own.

"Can we go to my place? It isn't far, I live in Nashville, actually. It may be safer, in case he does return. And yes, I'll stay with you afterwards if you'd like."

She nodded.

So she packed a bag of clothes and accompanied him in the ride back to his apartment.

She noticed that his apartment building was a building she could only dream of living in. And though his apartment was boring in some aspects, it was so much nicer than anything she could ever afford.

The two of them sat down, a bag of ice now pressed against Taylor's mouth. He pulled it away, lips now puffy.

"Talk to me, Hayley. Who is this guy, exactly?"

"Josh Farro. Ex-boyfriend. Cheated on me. Left me. Treated me poorly throughout our relationship. But I stuck around. I thought it was normal. He was my first boyfriend. I'm scared, Taylor. I'm so scared," she spoke softly, moving closer to him for comfort.

"I know you are, but I won't let him hurt you. Hey, it's not late, but I'm a little tired. Would you like to join me in going to bed?" He asked, looking silly with his fucked up lip.

"I would love to," she said softly, her and Taylor's hands meeting, fingers intertwined.

Everything felt normal. She felt normal.

But Josh wasn't going to let her feel so for much longer.

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