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[bear with me here if some details about court are a bit off or even way off. most of the information i know about it come from how to get away with murder and to kill a mockingbird]

The following weeks were filled with the process of transferring Hayley's belongings to Taylor's apartment and many meetings with their lawyer.

Though they did not initially want to, the couple had no choice but to inform their attorney of all of the details that led to the two of them meeting and what caused Josh to discover what had been going on between them.

That was a fun conversation.

"It'll be alright," Taylor reassured himself as he adjusted his grey, silk necktie. A small smirk came to his lips when he recalled the events said tie had been involved in not too long before.

"Are you going to wear your sling?" Hayley asked as she walked into their shared bedroom, the navy blue sling in her hands.

"I think I should. It will get the jury to pity me a bit more, which will be best for us. Not an entirely fair way to go about it, but the court system is all about convincing the jury."

"Good thinking, York," Hayley said just before pressing a gentle kiss to Taylor's cheek. He smiled over the small, yet affectionate action of hers. It was incredible to him how even the smallest of actions felt so much more significant when done by her.

He pulled the sling on and adjusted it for a moment.

"Are you ready?" He asked once he was prepared. He knew that even with there being witnesses, there was a chance Josh would be let off easy. Taylor was not prepared for that. Physically, though, he was prepared.

"I'm ready."

Taylor, Hayley, and their attorney, Mark Hoppus, sat at one of the two tables that were placed across from where the Judge would be sitting.

Taylor's father sat with Josh at the other table, the older attorney sitting closest to Mr. Hoppus. The older of the two York men within the room was giving Josh tips on how to act within a court of law so to appear innocent. Talk fast, be polite. He'd already helped to ensure that even Josh's clothing choices would raise his chances of the jury considering him innocent.

Or, the more likely option: giving him a shorter prison sentence.

All Taylor focused on was the fly that was slowly walking across the wooden table he was sitting at. It would pause every few seconds, seem to glance up at Taylor, continue.

Hayley, on the other hand, couldn't help but think about how she had never expected herself to be trapped inside of a courtroom unless it was for jury duty. She thought about all of the criminal cases that must have taken place within the courtroom before the one she was currently involved in. The previous case could have been a victimless crime such as recreational drug use, or it could have been for something as serious as a murder. And the latter alone terrified her. That she was sitting in the same room that killers could have in the past.

The door swung open. Taylor did not think anything of it, considering the amount of times he'd heard the door swing open. (39 times and counting — yes, Taylor counted, he was bored). But he soon heard a whispered "Taylor" come from behind him. He spun around to see both his mother and Justin sitting together.

"What are you two doing here?" He whispered with wide eyes. Maybe the absolutely absurd part was the fact that they were sitting directly behind him while their father defended his opposition.

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