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That was not the response Hayley had expected and certainly was not what she had hoped for.

She had hoped for Taylor to be ecstatic. To pull her in for a hug and kiss her and tell her that he couldn't wait to meet their child.

Instead, he sat there with his lips parted, eyes wide.

"You're what?" He asked in confusion. He had heard her, he just couldn't believe it.

There was not only a tone of disbelief in his voice, but also one of what seemed to be disgust.

"I'm pregnant," she repeated, a phony smile upon her lips. "Yay!" She said with raised arms.

"You're kidding, right?"

"I'm serious. Taylor, we're having a baby," she spoke softly, hands resting on the male's arm. He moved away from her. Just then, the microwave beeped multiple times to indicate the popcorn was prepared.

Neither of them were hungry anymore.

"Stop it. This isn't funny, Hayley," he added in as he pushed himself to his feet.

He was convinced that she was just saying that. He felt certain that she was not pregnant. There was no way, right? Even though he had never worn a condom when they had fucked, nor had he ever bothered asking if she was on any form of birth control, there was no way.

"What do you want me to do to prove it? Take a pregnancy test right now?"

"Oh yeah, like those things are always accurate."

Taylor started to pace, walking back and forth. He stopped, looked Hayley in the eyes and asked, "Is it mine?"

She couldn't believe he had even asked that question. He knew that she hadn't been with anyone in a long time before he came around.

"Are you kidding me? You know that I haven't been with another guy in years. And why are you the one who's so angry, huh? You're not even the one who will need to carry this child for nine months, and then push it out of you. You did your part, you did this to me. You're going to stay with me and watch me go through this."

Taylor couldn't look Hayley in the eyes a moment more. Tears had fallen onto her cheeks, resulting in her makeup running and her cheeks to become wet and red.

"I can't do this right now. I'm going out for the night, I don't need this," he spoke. Within seconds, he was out the door.

"Taylor, wait!" Hayley exclaimed. But it was too late. The door had already slammed shut and he was gone.

She wrapped her arms around herself, soft cries coming from her.

It was going to be a long night.

"I'll have a vodka and Sprite, please," Taylor requested from the bartender. He slammed a random amount of cash on the table for emphasis.

He didn't know where he was. All he knew was that he had driven until he had found a bar. The area he had discovered it in was unknown to him mere moments before.

"I'll have one of those too, please," said a random customer of the bar. Taylor looked over to the stranger, a look of confusion coming to his face. He squinted at the semi-familiar features.

"You alright?" The stranger asked with a chuckle.

"Yeah, I'm fine. It's just that you look familiar. Like I've seen you before," he said with a shrug. Probably just overthinking it, he told himself. People look alike all the time.

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