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After several weeks of Hayley staying with Taylor and still feeling uneasy, they assumed an easy solution would be putting a restraining order on Josh. Key word being assumed.

The idea had sounded crazy to Hayley when Taylor had first recommended it, but as she thought about it, she knew that not only did Taylor have more knowledge on those things than her but it also had seemed safest.

But when Taylor approached his father, hypothetically asking if it would make sense, his dad responded with a laugh and explained that with the circumstances, a restraining order would likely not be made an option.

Well fuck.

Taylor returned home that night to discover Hayley on his couch, watching television as she sat.

It was a Tuesday, which meant Hayley would usually have been preparing to start a broadcast. But since the night she shared with Taylor, she had barely even thought of her only source of income.

"Can I talk to you about something?" Taylor asked, leaning over the couch and pressing a kiss to Hayley's lips.

Once their lips parted, she responded with a simple "mhm."

He joined her on the couch, jacket removed.

"You've liked being here with me, right?" He asked, genuinely concerned that she was already sick of him. She nodded.

"Well, I don't know how to say this. Okay, I want you to be my girlfriend," he said bluntly, nervous for what her response would be.

She stared at him blankly for a minute, and then looked back at the TV. Back at him, then to the TV, and one last time, she looked at him.

"Taylor, I don't want to hurt you. And, look, I know that since the show you and I put on, I haven't put on any shows for my viewers, but I need money. I plan on returning to doing it soon, once I return home and feel safe. But when it comes to you and I, I think it's best we keep our relationship the way it is," she spoke so softly that Taylor almost forgot she was completely turning him down. Her hand rose to his face, softly stroking his cheek with her thumb.

"I make a lot of money, Hayley. You can stay here with me! You don't need to work. You can put all that behind you. Don't you want that? To be able to no longer force yourself to do all the things you had to for those men? I don't know if there's something more holding you back other than the money. Is it the attention? I'll give you all the attention you'll ever need, baby. Please. Just give me a shot."

He was begging, his face so close to hers that she could hear his breathing pattern changing.

She did want that. She did want to be with him. That was all that she had wanted since their first night together. But after her previous heartbreak, how could she bring herself to finding love ever again? To trusting another person with her heart?

She couldn't believe she was comparing these two men. Joshua Farro, who had taken her heart and broken it as he went, to Taylor York, whose gentle hands could never do her healing heart any harm.

But what if it was like last time?

"How about this; I stay here for a little while longer. And, well, if things continue to go well, I'll be your girlfriend. I'll be yours. I trust you, but I want to make sure."

He understood completely.

"Stay as long as you want, sweetheart," he spoke softly, pressing another kiss to Hayley's forehead.

This continued for a long while. Hayley stayed at Taylor's home, assuming she was safe from anything Josh could possibly do.

But she was wrong. She was so wrong.

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