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Hayley couldn't believe what she was doing. Sitting inside a Starbucks, awaiting Josh's arrival.

She wasn't only in disbelief because she was waiting for Josh, but also because she was waiting in a Starbucks, of all places.

She tapped her fingers against the wooden table, her anxious feelings worsening. She couldn't even look up to see if Josh was near. Instead, her eyes remained locked on a lone coffee cup that sat on a table shared by two people who were strangers to her. A seemingly happy couple.

She wanted that. She wanted to be happy. Happy with someone else. She wanted someone who could make her smile with a gesture as simple as buying her coffee. But instead, she knew her reality involved nothing but meaningless flirting and masturbation. Romance was not in her future.

She was caught off-guard when Josh appeared at her table, blurting out a "Hey, Hayley."

She nearly gasped, eyes widening.

Even though she knew he'd be joining her, it was like everything came back to her the second their eyes locked.

The times they screamed at each other. As she cried. Sobbed. The way he looked as she walked in on him having sex with her former best friend. The way he looked at her while she cried. The way his voice sounded as he told her that he no longer loved her. It was as soft as the first time he had confessed that he was in love with her. The fact that he could speak those two polar opposites in the same tone of voice worsened the blow.

As much as the memories of their relationship hurt, she partially wished that the bad times were all she could think about. That way, she would remember how toxic their relationship was. Unfortunately for her, with thinking of him, all the good times also came back to her.

The way he would smile at her when she made lame jokes and teased him for things she actually loved about him. The way he would hold her hand just a little bit tighter at some moments, like he was scared to lose her. (Ironic how he was the one to push her away). The way he'd hold her at night as they slept. The way he would stroke her hair to help her fall asleep, which he knew she loved.

What happened?

He took a seat just across from her, smiling slightly.

"Did you get anything to drink? Or eat?" The older male asked his ex-girlfriend, who shook her head.

"Would you like anything?" He asked. Again, she shook her head, declining the offer.

"Why are you so quiet?" He asked, leaning just a bit closer to her.

"I don't know what to say," Hayley mumbled. In response, her ex-boyfriend sighed and leaned back in his chair.

"Come with me," he requested, standing from his chair. He grabbed Hayley's dainty wrist in his hand, nearly yanking her by the arm. She winced in pain, though too quiet to be heard.

Waiting in line, Josh stared up at the menu above the barista. Hayley remained quiet as Josh hummed and tapped his foot.

"What have you been up to?" He asked, not once even bothering to look down at the female. She shrugged her shoulders, staring down at the floor. She had something prepared, something to say in response to that all too common question.

"I've moved out of my mom's house. I live alone, now."

"Really? That's cool. I'm living with Zac, these days. How are you making money, nowadays? Where do you work?"

This, too, she was prepared to answer.

"Just helping my dad," she lied.

He had no more questions.

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