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Taylor had no clue as to where he was when he woke up in an unknown apartment. He didn't know how much he had drunk the night prior nor did he know whose couch he had slept on.

Though the majority of the previous night felt like a distant memory, he recalled an intense argument with Hayley before becoming so intoxicated that he couldn't think straight. He remembered her telling him something that he never thought he would be prepared to hear.

Plus, he noticed that he was wearing the clothing that he had worn the previous night.

The issues of their relationship could be settled once he returned home. As of that moment, he didn't know where the hell he was. He had no clue as to how he could get home.

After a bit of reaching around in search of his phone, he found it hiding underneath the couch. When he turned it on he discovered several voicemails had been left along with numerous texts, all from Hayley.

Just then, a semi-familiar face walked into the room Taylor had woken up in.

Once Taylor took a look at the face of the other male, he could recall a bit more of the previous night's events. He met someone — Josh's brother. They started talking about things, or, Taylor started talking. He remembered drinking. And from there, he was a wreck.

"Oh. Hey," said the other male. More memories of the night came back to Taylor. Zac, his name was Zac.

"Hi," was all Taylor could get out in response.

"I forgot you were here. You must be really hungover," Zac said with a chuckle.

"Actually, it's not too bad. It's tolerable. Don't feel sick and only have a small headache. How much did I drink last night?"

Zac expected that question to be asked.

"I don't know. I stopped drinking after a few drinks. But you didn't stop. You drank a lot. Doubt you even remember what you and I talked about," Zac laughed as he walked into the kitchen.

Taylor quirked a brow. Something about the way Zac said that did not sound too good to him. Taylor joined Zac in the kitchen.

"What did we talk about?"

"See, knew you wouldn't remember. You told me about your girlfriend. About Hayley. You told me that she's pregnant. We talked more about it and I suggested you ask her to marry you. You said it was a good idea," Zac explained with a small shrug.

"I did?" Taylor asked in complete disbelief.

"Yeah. You were drunk, so maybe that was influencing it. But I do think you should do it. I dunno, just my opinion. You don't have to, but --"

"I'm gonna do it," Taylor cut him off.

"You sure?" Zac asked. In response, Taylor only nodded.

Zac drove Taylor back to the bar where he had left his car. They didn't speak a word throughout the drive there. Only once Taylor was about to exit the car did Zac speak.

"Hey, last night was a lot of fun. Things have been tense these last few weeks. Thank you for showing me a good time. Are you sure you're okay to drive? I can drive you wherever you need to go."

A small smile came to Taylor's lips. "Yes, I'm okay. Thank you, though. I was in a shit mood last night and you got drunk with me and gave me a place to stay."

That was the last they said to one another before Taylor exited the car, gave Zac a wave, and Zac drove off.

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