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[see. I promised there would be smut.]

The couple was ecstatic over their victory in court.

What better way was there to celebrate than to fuck?

They entered the apartment without a worry in the world. Josh would be forced behind bars. He couldn't hurt them anymore.

Though Taylor should have had worries of his relationship with his father, he'd rather not stress over things that were not entirely in his control.

They opened the front door, Taylor's arm wrapped around Hayley's shoulders.

Taylor had originally planned on bringing her into their bedroom for some fun. But as he entered the apartment, he had some other ideas. It was partially because he was so impatient that he couldn't even bother making it to the bedroom. Instead, he ended up setting Hayley down on the granite, kitchen counter.

It was also partially due to him being in the mood for some especially kinky sex.

"Here?" Hayley asked breathlessly. All Taylor could do in response was rapidly nod his head.

"But," he went on to say, "don't think you're getting away with what you did the last time we fucked, princess."

"What did I do?" Hayley asked with a pout.

"Teased me the way you did. You know exactly what you did," Taylor said softly.

As he spoke, off came his tie. This time around, it would be serving a similar purpose.

"Get off the counter. Hands behind your back."

It was difficult to say no, considering he was being so demanding. She loved it. Hayley did as told, but only after removing the articles of clothing that had covered her top half. It would be impossible to remove them after her hands would be tied — unless she wanted torn clothing.

Taylor tied her hands together behind her back and placed her back down on the cool countertop.

"Hold on," Taylor spoke before disappearing from Hayley's view. He removed a can of whipped cream from the refrigerator along with a container of strawberries.

Taylor tore the green stem from a piece of the fruit and placed the strawberry against Hayley's slightly parted lips.

Her mouth widened and she took the red fruit into her mouth, chewing slowly as her and Taylor's eyes remained locked.

The eye contact only paused when Taylor took a step back to retrieve the filled can of whipped cream. He sprayed an ample amount onto his index finger. His fingertip pressed against her lips just as he did with the strawberry. Even more eager than she was when presented with the sweet fruit, Hayley opened her mouth and accepted his finger in.

She sucked the whipped cream off of his digit. Even after his finger was clean of the treat, she continued to swirl her tongue around it. If Taylor was going to tease her, she could do the same.

He pulled his finger out of her mouth after a moment of being lost in watching her in amazement.

This gave him a brilliant idea.

He yanked off the clothing that covered Hayley's bottom half, leaving her body entirely nude.

He leaned closer to her, his lips meeting hers. Hayley's tongue met Taylor's and the sweet combination of whipped cream and strawberries hit his.

The kiss came to a halt after a moment. His index and middle finger soon replaced his lips, pushing into her mouth.

She sucked just as she had done earlier. As he watched her so intently so to not miss a single move, he was able to awkwardly unbutton the top two buttons of his shirt.

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