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After two weeks spent in the hospital, Taylor was given permission to be discharged. He was granted permission to leave only after receiving several surgeries, which included the removal of the bullets that had been left in his arm which was followed by a surgery intended solely for the cleaning and caring of the bullet wounds.

He was told that it would take around three weeks, at the most, until his wounds would be, for the most part, healed. Unfortunately though, he wouldn't entirely be fixed after that time and would likely be required to keep his arm in a sling for a while longer.

But he wasn't going to allow that to stop him from returning to work. He needed to make money, even with his father already supporting him financially.

Just a week and a half after returning home from the hospital, it was time for him to return to work. He disregarded his father's constant demand of "Stay home" along with his reassurance of "It's okay, we'll be okay" and his fearful "Your mother will kill me if I have you working."

He was bored out of his mind with just constantly sitting in his apartment with very little to do. Though Hayley was there to keep him company, his injured arm restricted him from doing much of anything. Yes, that included sex. They could have occupied themselves with such an activity but Taylor was in too much pain to be horny. Plus, that would have meant that he would need to completely keep his arm out of the equation which seemed difficult. Until he was horny enough, no way.

His days at home consisted of sleeping, watching television, and feeling weak and vulnerable as Hayley needed to assist him in tasks as simple as bathing. He couldn't even shower since he was not only too weak but his doctor also directed him not to do so in order to protect the wounds.

The worst part of being home was the panic attacks and nightmares. He suffered from a dream one night where he had essentially relived the terrifying experience. Hayley was above him, shaking him awake as he screamed throughout his slumber.

"Are you sure you can't stay home? Come on, you won't even be totally healed for a while longer," Hayley whined as she assisted Taylor in covering his wounds, dressing him, and putting his sling on.

"I'm bored out of my mind here, Hayles. I won't be staying too late, anyway. But, uh, can you pick me up later? My dad is going to pick me up and bring me to work. But since I'm leaving earlier than him, can you?" He asked, making his way out of his bedroom.

"Of course," she spoke, pressing a kiss to his cheek just before he left the apartment.

"Fuck. Why am I not dating him yet?" Hayley asked herself as she head back to bed.

When Taylor and his father arrived at the law firm, the boy was greeted with an overwhelming amount of "hey, Taylor!" and "Taylor! We missed you!" or "how are you doing, buddy?"

He knew his father must have told everyone about his return and forced them to act excited.

"What's your current case?" Taylor asked his dad as they walked towards his office.

"I've only met with the guy once, still discovering more of the specifics pertaining to the case. It's going to be a tough one to win, considering there were multiple witnesses at the scene, including police. I think he'll likely be getting jail time, but I think we'll be able to limit the time he's in there. Convince the jury of something along the lines of him being mentally ill. That always works for the young white boys," the older of the two said with a chuckle just before pulling open the door of his office.

He allowed Taylor to walk in behind him before shutting the door. The smile upon the younger man's face faded the instant he saw who his father's client was.

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