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Taylor awoke from his slumber at almost eleven in the morning. He groaned, his head pounding.

He knew he should not have drank as much as he did.

He rarely felt nauseous following a night of drinking. Luckily for him, this was another day where nausea did not accompany a painful headache. Only the latter was the case.

Even with his level of intoxication, he still recalled what he had done last night.

Drank, (duh), had his friend drive him home, fell onto the ground whilst removing his clothing, which he now had a bruise on his shoulder from. Following his eventful night of drinking, he had some great phone sex with Hayley.

He recalled that it was great until the end, where Hayley first demanded he pay for it. If sober, he likely would not have acted childish and would not have so rudely refused to do so. And after that, he remembered her telling him that she had seen her ex-boyfriend.

Taylor had no clue why he had been as angry as he was. The fact that he was drunk definitely caused him to react more poorly than he would have if sober. But even in his (mostly) sober state, he still felt angry, jealous.

He didn't totally understand his feelings. Hayley was not his. She could do whatever she wanted, hang out with whoever she wanted, even fuck whoever she wanted. Yes, Taylor knew all this. But even with this information in mind, he couldn't help but be jealous.

Plus, Taylor did not belong to her either. He could be fucking anyone. He could be sleeping around, but he could never bring himself to do so. Whenever he came close to being with another girl in that way, Hayley came to mind. And he almost felt guilty.

The last thing he remembered from the previous night was sending however much money to Hayley, and then falling asleep with his phone still on and resting upon his chest.

It took a large portion of the day, but Taylor's painful hangover headache was much less of an issue around six PM.

Now that that was the case, he needed to call someone. He was not entirely sure what he'd say if she answered the call, but he'd improvise as he went.

There was definitely one thing he wanted to tell her. Even if telling her wasn't exactly the smartest thing to do, he needed to tell her.

He gave her no warning before calling.

"If she doesn't pick up..." He mumbled to himself as it rang.

Hayley, on the other end, had been enjoying a nice, relaxing Sunday dinner with her family. Her dad, and two younger sisters.

She didn't exactly have a good relationship with either of her parents. So to see either of them was rare. She was only lucky enough to see her father and younger sisters was because her siblings literally begged. They liked her, while her father - not so much.

"Yeah, it's good to see -- wait, I'm getting a phone call," Hayley paused mid-sentence as she felt the repetitive vibration within the front pocket of her jeans. She removed her phone from her pocket, viewing the device's screen.

When she saw who it was that was calling, she rolled her eyes.

"I'll be right back," she spoke to her family, standing from the seat she'd been sat in for the previous half hour.

She hurried out of the busy restaurant, taking a seat on the bench just outside the restaurant. With a sigh, she accepted the call.

"What do you want?" She asked angrily, not in the mood for whatever he had to say. Typically, she wouldn't be so bitter. But after his attitude the previous night and the fact that she had been occupied with something else, she had a different view.

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