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It was a peculiar feeling to both of them to be in a monogamous, stable, domestic relationship.

Yet they both loved every second of it.

As Hayley napped within Taylor's arms and the boy watched a movie they'd discovered on Netflix, his phone buzzed once.

He raised his phone, adjusting his thick-rimmed glasses.

Mom: Hey, darling. Your dad wants to properly meet your girlfriend. I know things are probably awkward between you and your father, but it'll only become worse. Justin is going to return home as well, and I'm sure he'd love to meet your girlfriend. Dinner tonight at 7:30? Let me know, honey. Love you.

A soft sigh left his lips. He glanced over to his sleeping girlfriend for a few seconds.

Taylor: We'll be there.

Maybe he should not have decided for her. But he needed his family to see that she was more than her past. She was more than just someone that showed people her body. She was more than the "slut" Taylor's father viewed her as.

Taylor allowed Hayley to continue her sleep until she began to stir from her nap. She sat up, hair messy and eyes squinted.

"Good afternoon, angel," spoke Taylor as a hand ran through the girl's colored locks. She smiled in response.

"My mom called me," he started, "and she asked if you and I would like to come to dinner at their house. My brother is going to be there, as well. I know it might be awkward, but it'll be awkward for both of us."

She wasn't going to protest.

All she even bothered to ask was "What time?"

Later on in the day, as the two of them were putting the finishing touches on their outfits, Taylor asked, "Are you nervous?"

Hayley did not want to put too much of her body on display. This meant not even wearing a dress. Instead, she wore more casual clothing.

If they judged her for that, then too bad.

Taylor buttoned his black top, ran a hand through his hair, and sighed.

"Not really," Hayley responded after a moment. In all reality, Taylor was likely more nervous than Hayley was. He knew how his family was, while Hayley had no idea what she was getting herself into.

Half an hour later, the couple pulled into the driveway of the York residence.

"Are you ready?" He asked as his index finger remained mere inches from the doorbell. Hayley nodded. Taylor was definitely more nervous than his girlfriend was, their body language alone made that obvious. While she stood there unbothered, he was evidently on the verge of shaking.

His finger met the doorbell and the door came open seconds later. Instead of being approached by his mother, Justin stood on the other side of the door with a smile.

By the expression upon his features, Hayley assumed he was oblivious to all that was going on.

And he was.

"Good to see you, Taylor. Heard about your arm injury, but wasn't told what happened," he explained and glanced down at his younger brother's arm that rested in its navy blue sling.

"And you're Taylor's girlfriend, correct? Didn't think my little brother would ever find love," he teased. "Come on in, you two lovebirds," he requested and stepped aside to allow the couple into the foyer.

They stepped in. First Taylor, and then Hayley. She looked around the house, in awe of the size of it. According to what Taylor had told her, just his parents resided in the large home. Even though they previously had three children to care for, there was no need for them to continue living in such an extravagantly large household.

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