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It was Friday night. Taylor had already watched Hayley's regular broadcast. And though he already had some fun (with himself) when watching it, he wasn't entirely content.

"Don't do it, don't do it," he whispered to himself, gripping the sheets in his hands as he resisted the increasingly strong urge to touch himself.

He lifted his phone, noticing that the time had already reached ten minutes past midnight. He shifted his body slightly, groaning as he awkwardly moved.

"Fuck it," he said to himself, pulling his phone closer to himself.

Also, Hayley did notice that the two of them had the same area code. She just hoped that he didn't realize.

He and Hayley had already texted one another a few times. Not much, just Taylor texting her a "hey it's Taylor" when he was first given her number and later on, Hayley telling him that her broadcast was about to start, earlier that day.

And Taylor sent an "okay" that was joined by a winking emoticon.

She only texted him because she was aware that he'd be tipping as he always did. So why not let him know, and spread the word?

But now...he needed to text her.

What would he say? Eh, he'd figure it out.

He went to her contact, thumbs shaking slightly as they hovered over the keyboard.

Yorkie: I can't stop thinking about you. I know it's late. I hope I'm not bothering you. But you're on my mind. Please help distract me. Or help me.

Hayley expected this to come eventually. With him seeming so nice, there was no way he wouldn't end up wanting to sext. It was slightly flattering, yes, but she expected it.

She sighed, contemplating whether she should ignore him and pretend to be asleep or respond and do as he asked. Her options were limited to distracting him, ignoring him or helping him.

She chose the last option.

Hayley: Oh yeah? What are you thinking about, exactly?

Taylor continued to resist the urge to touch himself, but the urge continued to become more and more obvious.

Yorkie: You. You touching me. Me touching you. I want you to sit in my lap, ride me, kiss me, just anything.

Hayley: Want me to kiss your neck? Give you hickeys?

Yorkie: Fuck, yes. Yes I do. Yes please.

He couldn't say yes enough.

Yorkie: I need to touch myself, fuck it.

Yorkie: So badly wish this was you instead.

He was typing too fast for Hayley to reply in time.

Yorkie: What are you wearing right now?

Oh god. She couldn't be honest. What was she supposed to say? An oversized My Chemical Romance t-shirt from her junior year of high school, and baggy sweatpants?

No, that wasn't hot. She had to stretch the truth. Just a little bit.

Hayley: Nothing, daddy. I don't like wearing clothes to bed.

...Just stretching the truth a little bit.

Yorkie: Fuck, that's so hot. Can I see?

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