Chapter 1

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Kageyama crouched silently on the rooftop of an office building as he eyed his target. His target worked at the very same building the assassin was perched on. He took a deep breath and exhaled slowly. He needed razor-sharp focus to pull this off.

Kageyama Tobio had been working as an assassin for almost four years now. If he went to school, he would be in his second year of high school. He lived alone, worked alone... He did everything by himself. Kageyama firmly believed in keeping no one close, since friends could lead to trouble.

The assassin's target strolled down the street, completely unaware of the black-haired teenager aiming his rifle up above. Kageyama aimed one last time, and pulled the trigger. The businessman was down with one shot. That was the power of an experienced killer.

Kageyama left immediately after his job was finished. He slipped down the street, walked a while, then slipped through the sliding glass doors of his hotel building. He climbed ten floors up the stairs for a small workout before he went to bed, since it was almost 2am.

Kageyama found his hotel room and went straight to bed, hiding his rifle inside a guitar case he almost always kept slung around his shoulder. He slid the case neatly under his bed. He slumped into bed, not bothering to change or brush his teeth.


The next morning, Kageyama ate his breakfast, packed up, and headed out. He already had another job that needed to be completed in two days maximum. And because Kageyama aimed to please his clients, he tried to finish his jobs a day or two earlier than they were due. He took a train out of the city as soon as he possibly could. He arrived in another tiny city after only about forty-five minutes.

Kageyama checked into a nearby hotel, and that night, he took out his rifle and slipped out of his hotel window and into the night.

The assassin found his way onto the rooftop of a building right next to the one his target worked at and set up his rifle. He owned the quietest rifle he could get his hands on, so he never had to worry about making noise in the middle of the night.

Kageyama watched his target finally leave the office building. He closed one eye and aimed at the man's head. With one shot of Kageyama's rifle, the man collapsed on the street in a tiny pool of blood.

Kageyama smirked slightly, pleased with his perfect shot. After his job was complete, Kageyama slipped right through his hotel window again.


After an hour or so of riding on the train again the next morning, Kageyama hopped off in a small town called Torono Town.

His target was another businessman by the name of Mr. Hinata. Kageyama's task was the same as always: kill and skip town as soon as possible.

Kageyama found himself a mediocre hotel to spend the night at. He unpacked his necessities, which were his toothbrush and toothpaste, a spare change of clothes, and his rifle. Of course, he kept his rifle very well hidden.

While he waited for nightfall, Kageyama decided to scope out the town and pick out the best spot for his assassination to take place tonight. He made his way into town, his mind completely focused on nothing except his plans for that night. He walked quickly, looking up at the rooftops and paying no attention to the sidewalk he was walking along. People dodged Kageyama to avoid running into him as the assassin strolled carelessly down the street.

He walked for a while without realizing that he was causing people to have to jump out of the way until he ran into a small boy with bright orange hair. The short boy stumbled and fell right on the concrete.


Without realizing it, Kageyama said, "I'm sorry."

The assassin reached out his hand, pulling the boy up easily. Kageyama was completely surprised by how small this boy really was. Was he in middle school...?

"It's all right."

"I wasn't looking where I was going... Sorry again."

"No problem."

"I'm Kageyama. Kageyama Tobio."

"Oh- I'm Hinata Shouyou."

Kageyama stared at the boy for a few seconds before talking again.

"Well, I should get going. I'm sorry for running into you. It was my fault," Kageyama said, jogging off before Hinata could reply.

Again Kageyama started staring off at rooftops again, trying to find the building where Mr. Hinata worked.


Hinata Shouyou?

Mr. Hinata?

Were they related?

It would make sense... They both have bright orange hair and brown eyes. The picture of the man Kageyama was supposed to kill later tonight resembled that boy quite a bit.

Well, in the end it didn't matter. Kageyama had to do his job. His job was the most important thing in his life. And nothing could ever change that. Nothing. 

An Assassin's Mistake (Haikyuu Assassin AU)Where stories live. Discover now