Chapter 5

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"You want me here... with you..?"

"Yeah! You're my friend, right?"

"Hinata, we only met a few days ago."

"So? Why does that matter?"

"Well, Hinata-"

"I want you to stay with me! You're not going to leave me, right?"

Kageyama stopped. He couldn't think straight. Hinata wanted him to stay?


Kageyama was confused. He didn't understand. Why'd Hinata want him to stay so bad?

No one had ever treated Kageyama like he was worth anything. And now this boy was upset that he was leaving?

Kageyama had found someone. Someone who cared that he existed.

...But he couldn't let it last.

He was an assassin. Assassins can't have friends.

"Hinata... I'm so sorry. I can't stay. When my manager calls soon and gets me a new job, I'll have to go."

"Why?! Why can't you stay with me?!" Hinata raised his voice.

"I'm an assassin! I need money! It's how I make a living! Assassins can't have friends!"

"Why not?!"

"Because I abandoned everything I had for this job! I can't quit now! If I make friends, I'll get attached and I'll quit my life as an assassin! If I get attached to someone, and something happens to them because of my job, what will I do with myself? Not only will I lose my job, I'll also lose my reputation as an experienced assassin! Everyone'll turn on me!"

"Who cares if everyone turns on you? You'll have me!"

"Why do you care that much?!" Kageyama shouted back.

"Because! I- I don't know. I just get sad when I think about you leaving..."

"We've barely known each other for a week!"

"Why does that matter?! You know what, never mind! Do whatever you want!" Hinata shouted and stormed out of the room, slamming the door behind him.

Kageyama stood silently in the empty room. He stared at the door for ten straight minutes before the silence was broken by his phone buzzing in his pocket.

He picked it up.


"I've got you a new job. This client's offering a lot of cash for this target. You alone?"


"You'll be traveling to Tokyo this time. Pretty cool, right? This time it's a family. A family of four. A mom, dad, and two twin sons. You've just got to kill the parents. They work underground and kill off people for money. The mom gathers info, the dad kills. The sons have no idea what their parents are up to from the information from your client, so try not to upset them, all right? You're an assassin, not a serial killer. Don't upset them."

"Sure, sure. I understand."

"The client is flexible. Your deadline is in a week and a half."

"Got it."

"Also, I heard you went to school for a couple days. Did you like it?"

"Not really. Anyways, I understand what I've gotta do. I'll get it done. See you."

"All right. I'll send you the details in a few hours. See you."

Kageyama hung up.

He sighed. He'd leave in a few days.

Now, he should go make up with Hinata.

Kageyama opened the door softly and looked around. He couldn't find Hinata after checking the next couple rooms, so he closed his eyes and felt for Hinata's aura.

Just like anyone else, Hinata gave off an aura.

But his aura was different.

Unlike most auras which are dull and grey, Hinata's was bright orange and full of energy.

Kageyama followed it to a locked door, so he used his good old-fashioned technique to pick the lock with a paper clip.

He knocked softly on the door. "Hinata, can I come in?"

Hinata said nothing, so Kageyama peeked his head around the door. "Hinata... I'm sorry I upset you. I'm not leaving for a few days. Okay?"

Kageyama slowly entered the room. He found Hinata lying asleep on his bed.

His room was messy, with dirty clothes scattered on the floor. Although his room was messy, he had a little white shelf holding quite a few editions of manga. The only thing that was neat and tidy in Hinata's room was that little shelf. Although Kageyama found it kind of cute.

It was getting late, so Kageyama quietly left Hinata's room and closed the door. He headed back to the guest room.


"Hinata, Kageyama, wake up! Breakfast will be ready in ten minutes! Be down by then!" Hinata's mother yelled from the kitchen.

Kageyama got out of bed, changed, and got ready for school. He was out in five minutes.

He knocked on Hinata's door. "Can I come in?"


Kageyama opened the door.

"Aren't you leaving?"

"Actually... I'm going to stay here for a few more days... If that's all right."

"...You're staying?"

"Yeah. For three or four days. Then I'm off to Tokyo."

"Tokyo? For a job?"


"Hinata, Kageyama, get down here!! It's time for breakfast!" Hinata's mother yelled from downstairs.

"If it's all right... Can I still go to school with you?" Kageyama asked.

Hinata smiled. "Sure." 

An Assassin's Mistake (Haikyuu Assassin AU)Where stories live. Discover now