Chapter 14

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Author's Note:

Excuse this extremely short chapter. I'll make the next one longer to make up for it.


"Kageyama, wake up! It's time for school!"

"What...?" Kageyama groaned, raising up. His hair was a complete mess.

"You didn't set your alarm last night! It's time for school!"

"Ugh... It's too early," he groaned. "I was just locked in jail and interrogated for days, I'm too tired for this."

"Kageyama! You promised you'd go back to school with me..." Hinata mumbled.

"Fine, fine. I'll be out in ten minutes."

"K!" Hinata said, jumping up and running out of his guest room that Kageyama was currently staying in again.

Kageyama sighed. Hinata was awfully clingy.

But it was kind of cute, really.

Kageyama surprised himself. Hinata was...


Actually, Hinata had admitted he liked Kageyama just before Kageyama left for America. But now Hinata seems to have forgotten all about it.

Since when did Kageyama like guys? Or really anyone?

Now that he thought about it, he'd never really liked anyone before. After all, he'd been an assassin for a while, which meant that he'd been kept away from people, especially ones his age.

Oh well. No rush to decide everything all at once.

Maybe time would tell.


"Kageyama!" Hinata whined. "Stop walking so fast!" he scolded, jogging to keep up with Kageyama.

"It's not my fault you're short," Kageyama snorted.

"Hey! I rescued you from jail!"

"No you didn't! I rescued you!" Kageyama shouted back.

Hinata opened his mouth to retort, but no words came out. He closed his mouth and pouted.

Kageyama chuckled. "You're such a dork."

Hinata pouted again. Kageyama ruffled his bright orange hair.

He was cute when he pouted like that.

"Make sure you don't mention the whole American jail incident at school, okay?"

"Why not?"

"Why not?! Because we're wanted by the American police now! And most likely the Japanese police as well!"


"Which means I need to..." Kageyama trailed off.

"Need to what?" Hinata asked.

"I'll need to be on the run from the police... Which means I'll need to move around a lot."

"What?!" Hinata shouted, stopping in the middle of the sidewalk.

"That's what my manager said. You know how upset he was that I failed my job?! My reputation is on the line with my next few jobs. If I don't start racking up some serious kills, I'm done for. I'll get eaten alive."

"Eaten alive by what?"

"By the other dangerous people I've surrounded myself with! You're the only guy my age that isn't a murderer or hitman or something."

"Oh. That's kind of sad, Kageyama."

Kageyama blinked in surprise. After a while, he said, "yeah... I guess so."

They walked in silence. It was a little awkward, but Kageyama just tried to distract himself with his surroundings.

"Kageyama!" Hinata broke the silence.

"What?" he asked, slightly annoyed. He turned his head towards Hinata.

"It's snowing!"

Kageyama glanced up, and sure enough, it was snowing. Little snowflakes fell to the ground and melted on contact.

Kageyama wasn't a big fan of snow. After all, it usually made an assassination a lot more difficult.

He turned back towards Hinata, who was fascinated with the tiny snowflakes that drifted down.

He was smiling. An adorable smile that truly took Kageyama by surprise.

Kageyama smiled at the smaller boy.

Maybe Kageyama would learn to like the snow.


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