Chapter 13

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Excuse the fast pace of this chapter and how incredibly short it is. I accidentally managed to delete this chapter the first time and had to rewrite everything.


The interrogation was still going on and on. The old interrogator had been replaced by a new burly man who appeared to hate his job as much as he hated Kageyama.

It was 12:53am.

"How about a game of chess?" he asked.

"Chess?" Kageyama asked. He was so bored.

"What, do you not know how to play?"

"I can play chess as well as the next guy," Kageyama replied rudely. "But are you really going to use chess to help me confess something I didn't do?"

"Is that so?" he chuckled, ignoring Kageyama. "Let me get my board," he said, raising up out of his chair.

This was Kageyama's chance.

And he took it.

He jumped out of his seat and in a split second both of the bodyguards in the room were on the floor, knocked unconscious.

"Wait-" the new interrogator started.

Kageyama jumped up, roundhouse kicking the man in the head. With everyone in the room unconscious except for Kageyama, Kageyama broke out of his handcuffs like they were paper.

He picked the lock and bolted outside, ready to leave this disgusting place for good.

He bolted down the hallway, running as fast as he could to the point where nobody could actually see him run.

...until he slammed into something.

Or rather, someone.

It was Hinata.

"What the hell?!" Kageyama whispered. He glared up, only to find the orange-haired boy lying on the ground in front of him.

"Ow, ow," Hinata groaned.

"Hinata?!" Kageyama whispered.


"Shut up!" he whispered, clamping Hinata's mouth shut with his hand.

Kageyama shook his head, decided what to do, and picked Hinata up and slung him over his shoulder. "Don't make a sound," Kageyama instructed as he again bolted down the hallways. He passed multiple guards on the way that gave chase the minute Kageyama passed.

He slammed the doors open and every alarm in the building started to blare. 

He put Hinata down quickly and picked him up again, but this time carrying him bridal style.

"Kageyama!" Hinata squeaked.

Kageyama ignored him and ran as fast as he could towards the city. Police cars headed towards him quickly.

Kageyama, deciding to show off his assassin skills to Hinata, leapt in the air. He landed on the roof of a candy store and jumped again, this time further up. Using the rooftops to travel through the city quickly, Kageyama disappeared into the forest of buildings within seconds.

"Kageyama!" Hinata shouted over the wind. "Take a right and go to the hotel on the corner!"

Kageyama nodded and followed Hinata's directions.


"So this is your assassin boyfriend?" Tsukishima asked, smirking.

"Boyfriend?" Kageyama asked. He was confused, but he was glad he could finally speak some Japanese again, even in America.

"Ah!" Hinata shouted quickly. "Oh, Kageyama!" Hinata said loudly, trying to change the subject. "This is Yamaguchi," he said, pointing to the freckled boy. "And this is Tsukishima," he said a bit more rudely.

"Guys," Hinata continued, "this is Kageyama Tobio."

"Well, he managed to outrun the police in their police cars. That's impressive. How long did it take to get that fast?"

"Hmm? Well, I've been training since I was around thirteen if I remember correctly... Tons of cardio and weapon training and stuff."

"Hmm. Killing people fun?"

"Not particularly," he replied. "Although, why are you two even in America if you're Japanese? Shouldn't you been in high school?"

"Actually, we're in the school newspaper club. We signed up because we wanted to come to America. We're researching monuments and writing reports on them and stuff. It's a big project."

"Ah, I see."

"So when are you guys leaving for Japan? It's probably not smart for Kageyama to stay in America... Really, not you either, Hinata. You're just as guilty for busting him out of jail," Yamaguchi said.

"Oh! That's right! Our flight leaves soon!" Hinata shouted frantically.

"You bought plane tickets? With what money?" Kageyama asked.

"Actually, when my dad died... We got a lot of money and Mom let me have some in case of emergencies..."

That's right.

Not too long ago, Kageyama murdered Hinata's father.


"So, when we get back... Are you coming back to school with me?"

"School?" Kageyama asked.

He chuckled.

"Maybe for a while." 

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