Chapter 7

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(Excuse me if I've mixed up the dates, but let's just say this chapter starts on Saturday)


Kageyama was at Hinata's doorstep. It was Saturday afternoon, and the assassin was quite nervous.

He pressed the doorbell. Kageyama looked down at the ground, not sure what to do as he waited.

The door swung open, and Kageyama was tackled to the ground. He landed hard on the concrete.


"Kageyama!! You came back!"

Hinata rolled off of Kageyama. The assassin slowly raised up.

"Yeah... I did."

Hinata quickly jumped up. Hinata reached out his hand and helped Kageyama up, but not before Hinata almost fell due to the weight difference.

"Hey, what's this?" Hinata asked, picking up the manga Kageyama had bought him a few days earlier. It must've fallen out of Kageyama's bag when he fell.

"Oh- it's..."

"This is my favorite manga. Do you like it too?"

"Nah, actually... I bought it for you. It's the new volume. I saw you had the whole series in your room, so I decided I'd get you the new one. Unless you already have it."

"Really? You got this for me?"


Hinata wrapped his arms around Kageyama and hugged him. Kageyama looked down and saw Hinata smiling back up at him.

"Thank you!"

"No problem..." Kageyama trailed off as Hinata dragged him inside.

"Come on, Kageyama! Let's go get you unpacked! Then we can go to town!"

"What do you want to go to town for?"

"It's Saturday! Let's do something fun!"

Hinata dragged Kageyama to the guest room to drop his luggage off. Kageyama set his bags in the corner of the room.

"It's really nice that you guys are still letting me stay here."

"Don't worry about it, Kageyama! Let's go to town. It's only a ten minute walk."

"Sure," Kageyama said, grabbing his phone and following Hinata down the stairs. "What exactly are we going to do in town?"

"There's lots of cool shops down there. But we have to take Natsu."

"Your little sister?"

"Yeah. Natsu, let's go to town!" Hinata yelled across the house.

Natsu came running down the hallway.

"Go get your shoes," Hinata said. Natsu nodded and ran off again. "Mom is still at work, which is why I can't leave Natsu here alone. So we gotta take her with us."

"I see," Kageyama said.

Natsu came back with some cute sandals on.

"Where are we going, big brother?"

Hinata grabbed his little sister's hand and led her outside. Kageyama followed behind and closed the front door as they headed out.

"We're going to town."

"Oh? And Kageyama is coming too?"

"Yeah, of course. You like Kageyama, don't you?"

Natsu nodded and smiled.

Kageyama turned away, embarrassed.

Hinata skipped down the road, heading downhill towards town. Looking over the edge, Kageyama saw a busy outdoor mall. People roamed the sidewalks, cars were parked in every space, and every shop and restaurant was open for business. 

Natsu skipped faster to catch up to Hinata, and Kageyama jogged ahead to keep up.

"Where do you wanna go first, Kageyama?"

"You pick," Kageyama said. "I don't know what's down there."

"Hinata, can we go to the toy shop?" Natsu tugged on Hinata's shirt.



"Well, we can go to the bookstore. We have to go to the grocery store on the way back, though. Mom needs us to pick up some stuff."

"No problem. Actually, the bookstore sounds pretty good."

"Great! We'll go there and then we can go to the toy store."

Kageyama followed them down. Once they were in town, they spent their time dodging shoppers on their way to the bookstore. They headed inside and immediately were surrounded by books. Magazines covered the shelves in the right corner, and everywhere else was covered with shelves full of books.

"I'd like to go find a book about toxic chemicals. I'll find you and Natsu after I'm done."


Kageyama headed off to find a book. When he found one, he searched for Hinata's aura to find him.

Hinata's aura glowed bright orange, while his litter sister's was grey.

Everyone else's auras around Hinata were as grey as his sister's.

Why was Hinata's aura different?

Kageyama pondered the thought as he made his way to Hinata.


Kageyama was surrounded by fruits and vegetables.

Hinata was poking at the tomatoes while Natsu skipped around the shoppers.

Soon Hinata had picked a handful of tomatoes that he seemed satisfied with. He reached over and grabbed Natsu's hand.

"Don't bother the other shoppers, Natsu."

Hinata paid for the food, and the trio headed home.


"You alone?"

"Yeah," Kageyama replied.

"I've hooked you up with another job. This time, you'll be going to the US. You'll be there for a while." 

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