Chapter 8

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"This time, you'll be going to the US. You'll be there for a while."

"The US? That's pretty far for a job."

"I know. But this one pays big bucks."

"I'd really rather not..."

"Too bad. It'll be good to apply your English. I'll send you the details at midnight tonight. The deadline is in a month."

Kageyama sighed. "Okay. I got it."

"Good. I don't know why you're so hesitant to stay in Japan, but if it's because you just don't want to go overseas, you'd better get over it."

With that, Kageyama's manager hung up.

Kageyama was upset.

How was he going to break the news to Hinata?

Kageyama might be an assassin, but he wasn't mean. He couldn't just break the news to Hinata and leave. And he wouldn't ever forgive himself if he just left and never told him.

"Hinata, Kageyama, it's time for dinner!!"

Kageyama immediately walked out of his guest room to stop Hinata before he went downstairs.

"Hinata, wait up. I need to talk to you."

"What is it?"

"I got a new job... And I have to go to the US for a while..."

"The US?! Kageyama, you can't leave again! You have to stay!"

"I gotta go... I'm sorry..."

"But you've already left me once! You can't do it again!"

Kageyama didn't know what to say. He couldn't think of anything to say.

Kageyama was brand new to all of these feelings Hinata gave him.

And it almost felt as if Kageyama's chest had been torn apart.


Kageyama hadn't been hurt physically in any way, so how could he feel so terrible?

Kageyama knew he had gotten attached to this boy, but he didn't think it was so strong.

Kageyama was confused. All these new feelings were too much for him to handle.

"Hinata... I gotta go," he said sternly.

"No!" Hinata shouted back.

"Hinata, Kageyama!! Dinner, now!"

As soon as Hinata's mother yelled again, Hinata stomped downstairs, pouting. Kageyama followed behind, equally upset.

They spent their dinnertime in awkward silence, neither of them speaking to each other. When dinner was over, they headed upstairs without a word.

Natsu skipped up the stairs. "Hinata, why are you mad at Kageyama? Did he do something?"

Hinata turned to answer Natsu, and Kageyama disappeared into the guest room. But as soon as Kageyama closed the door, he put his ear up to the door so he could hear what Hinata said.

"Well... He's gonna leave soon and won't be back for a while."

"What? Kageyama's leaving? What for?"

Hinata paused. After a while, he said, "well... Kageyama travels a lot. And now he has to go somewhere far away."

"Is that why you're upset? Because he's leaving?"


"It's because you like him!"

"Ah! Natsu, what're you saying?!" Hinata said frantically.

Kageyama peeked his head out the door and saw Hinata blushing furiously.

...did Hinata feel the same as Kageyama?

Did Kageyama even know what he was feeling?

Kageyama quickly closed the door again to avoid being spotted. He sat down on the bed and thought for a while. Eventually, he gave up.

He groaned and flopped down on the bed.

"I have to leave Monday. No matter what," Kageyama muttered to himself.


It was Monday after school. Kageyama was ready to leave for North America. He had already packed and gotten ready to go.

Kageyama headed downstairs. He was about to open the front door when he was slammed into it. He fell to the ground in quite a bit of pain.

"What the hell..?" Kageyama rubbed the back of his head, flinching in pain.

Kageyama sat up and turned around, searching for what had caused him to slam into the door.

It was Hinata.

Kageyama scowled. "Hinata, what the hell? That really hurt..." he groaned.

"You were about to leave!"


"I don't want you to leave! Stay here!"

"No! I'm sorry, Hinata, but I'm leaving. I won't be back for a month or so. But I'll come back, I promise. Is that good enough?"

"No! It's not good enough!"

"Hinata, I'm sorry. But I'm going. I can't just quit taking jobs for you."

Hinata was on the verge of tears, Kageyama could tell. Kageyama regretted his harsh tone almost immediately. He hated seeing people cry.

"Forget it, Kageyama! You don't understand emotions. You're just an assassin anyways!"

"What does that mean?!"

"Stupid Kageyama! It means I like you!" 

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