Chapter 10

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"We'll do it in two days."

"Thank you," Kageyama replied.


The pair stalked their assigned target. Within a few seconds, the man was on the ground, dead.

"Now that we've taken care of the target, let's take care of that liar," the male hitman said.

"Let's start with that little boy that's been following him around lately," the female hitman smirked.

The male snickered. "An assassin like that should've noticed that boy the first time he appeared. That idiot assassin isn't worth the money he gets paid."


"What the hell, Hinata?! Why are you here?!" Kageyama yelled.

"What do you mean 'why am I here'?! You just ran away, you jerk!"

"How are you even here?!" Kageyama yelled. "You know what- I don't even care. But why did you think it would be smart to come here?! I've got myself in a dangerous situation right now."

"What dangerous situation?"

"Nothing. Just- just go back to your room. And stay there."

"Why're you always telling me what to do?!"

"Listen, dumbass!" Kageyama shouted. "If anything bag happens to you, I'll never forgive myself," he said quietly. "So, please, go back to your room for now."

Hinata pouted. "When can I come out, then?"

"Soon. I'll text you, okay?"

"Hmph. Fine."


Kageyama was cornered. And he was terrified.

He'd screwed up.

His two targets had Hinata. The pair had taken him hostage.

And now Kageyama could easily get himself killed. And Hinata too.

"Please," Kageyama said in English, "let him go. Turn me in to the police, I don't care. Just don't hurt him."

"Oh?" the male smirked. His American accent was difficult to understand. "So he's a friend of yours?"

Kageyama snorted. He was completely cornered.

...What should he do?

Hinata came first.

"I'm telling you... Let him go."

"Unfortunately, I can't do that," he said. "You've come to kill us, so we will kill you first. And the best way to do that was to drag your friend into this."

Kageyama gave them a look of disgust. "Not even I would do something like this."

"We're different, kid. You're an assassin. We're hitmen. You're much more... professional," he said. "We just get the job done."

Kageyama glared at him and then glanced towards the female hitman who was currently holding a knife to Hinata's throat. Kageyama could see the terrified expression that covered Hinata's face.

"I'll ask you one more time. Let him go."

"We don't have much of a use for him anyways, now that we've got you. But we won't let him go. For the time being, he'll stay alive," she said.

"But first, we're turning you in," he said.


Kageyama was being interrogated. He'd been trained on how to deal with police interrogations in the past, but he never thought he'd be caught.

"We have quite a bit of evidence that backs up you being the killer that has assassinated many important businessman in the past. For example, when you leave your fingerprints on buildings you sit on when you kill."

Kageyama didn't answer. He would never break.

And he didn't get nervous.

Kageyama would never do something as stupid as leave his fingerprints anywhere near the crime scene, let alone the crime scene itself.

"So, will you confess?"

"Confess what?" Kageyama asked with a straight face. His expression was a mixture of bored and annoyed.

The officer chuckled. "We've collected your fingerprints."

"But even if I was the culprit, I'm not a known suspect," Kageyama retorted. "The police have no idea who committed those crimes or if they're related," he said. "So you're lying."

Kageyama was rather amused, although he didn't show it. He made sure to use a handgun every once in a while so the bullets weren't even always the same. He was as careful as anyone could be.

"Hmph," the policeman said. "You got me there. But we do know that they're all connected."

"How so?" Kageyama smirked.

Kageyama's English had drastically improved since he came to the US, which made it easier to talk to the American policeman.

"The bullets are all the exact same."

Kageyama kept a blank face, but he was trying his best not to laugh. Too obvious. He was trying Kageyama to slip and say how sometimes he used a different gun.

Kageyama chuckled lightly. "So that might point towards them being connected. But it doesn't point to me being the killer."

Kageyama was even more amused that the American police knew about a somewhat popular assassin in Japan. This entire situation was rather interesting.

Except, of course, Hinata was being held hostage and would be killed soon if Kageyama didn't figure something out.

Hinata, Kageyama thought, just wait for me. I'm coming to get you soon.

An Assassin's Mistake (Haikyuu Assassin AU)Where stories live. Discover now