Bonus Chapter

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Hey guys! Thank you so much for reading this Kagehina AU! Because I really enjoyed writing this fanfic, I decided to write this bonus chapter. Also, I'm considering writing a second book if anyone wants it. 

(Little background note: Kageyama now rents an apartment only a few minutes from Hinata's house)

This chapter takes place almost a year after the last chapter during the fall.


"Kageyama, come on! You're running so slow!" Hinata yelled, sprinting across campus in order to get to the gym as fast as he possible could. Kageyama didn't find it difficult to keep up, of course. After all, he was a professional assassin.

Hinata slammed the doors open and ran inside. Kageyama followed.

"Kageyama, toss to me! All you have to do is..." he trailed off, showing Kageyama how to set a volleyball.

"Okay, I think I got it," Kageyama said after seeing it only once. He caught on quick.

"Okay, then toss to me!" Hinata shouted.

Kageyama sighed but did as he was told.

What a needy boyfriend I have, Kageyama thought as he set the ball.

Hinata ran up and spiked it. Kageyama was amazed.

"I almost couldn't see you spike that! That was really fast!"

Hinata grinned. "I know! Isn't it cool? Toss me one more!"

They practiced for hours until eventually Kageyama got tired. He was the trained one of the two, but Hinata never ran out of energy! He was almost inhuman when it came to volleyball.

"One more!"

"Another?" Kageyama groaned. "We've been doing this for hours."

"Just one more, I promise!"

Rolling his eyes, Kageyama set one last ball. He watched as his small boyfriend jumped up as high as he could and spiked the ball successfully.

"That was impressive, Hinata!" a new voice shouted across the gym.

Hinata and Kageyama turned around. Two guys around their age were standing in the doorway.

"Daichi! Suga!" Hinata shouted, running up to them. He'd already recovered his lost energy.

"Energetic as usual, I see," the one with grey hair chucked. "And who's this?" he asked, glancing at Kageyama.

"This is Kageyama!"

"Oh? So this is your boyfriend you're always bragging about?" the one with the black hair asked.

"Bragging?" Kageyama questioned.

"Ah! Daichi!" Hinata stuttered, getting flustered.

He chuckled. "Nice to meet you, I'm the captain of the volleyball team. Daichi Sawamura."

They shook hands.

"I'm Kageyama Tobio," he introduced himself, also shaking Suga's hand.

"I didn't realize you also played volleyball," Suga said to Kageyama.

"Oh- I don't."

"Really?! But your sets were really impressive! You've really never played volleyball before?"

"No, actually..."

"Wow! Hinata, you're pretty lucky," Suga said.

"Well, you guys better head out. It's already getting dark," Daichi said.

"Oh, right!" Hinata said, rushing to gather up the volleyballs scattered across the gym floor.

"We'll clean up and then leave," Kageyama told them.

"Ah, well, if you guys have got it under control, then we'll go. Be careful getting home, you two," Suga said, waving goodbye and as he and Daichi left the gym.

After they finally finished cleaning up the balls and putting them away, the couple exited the building and started to walk home.

"It looks like it might rain," Kageyama said, glancing up at the dark sky.

"How can you tell? It's dark."

"I need to be able to tell. Because it's bad if it rains during a mission."

"Uh huh," Hinata said, clearly uninterested in Kageyama's assassin talk.

But sure enough, it started raining. Kageyama had packed two umbrellas in fear of this situation, so he wasn't worried about getting soaked. But he was worried his cute little boyfriend would get scared if it started to storm.

Kageyama handed Hinata his own umbrella, because sharing an umbrella usually meant Hinata hogged all the room and Kageyama ended up soaked.

They rushed back home, but it didn't take long for the rain to pick up and the lightning to start crackling in the distance. The lightning wasn't too far away, which meant they'd likely be in for a rough storm.

Hinata immediately was terrified.

"Kageyama!" he shouted when the thunder boomed right above their heads.

Kageyama knew he needed to get Hinata inside as quickly as possible, so he picked Hinata up bridal style and carried him home within thirty seconds. Unfortunately, they were still soaked by the time they got home.

"Are you all right?" Kageyama asked as soon as they were inside. He was worried.

Hinata nodded and smiled graciously.

"Let's go change," Kageyama said. Hinata nodded and they headed upstairs.

Hinata picked out a t-shirt and some shorts and headed to the bathroom to change. Kageyama found his spare t-shirt and shorts he kept in Hinata's closet in case he decided to spend the night and didn't bring an extra change of clothes.

After Kageyama changed, he waited patiently for Hinata to finish changing as well. He sat on Hinata's bed, picking up a volleyball magazine and flipping through the pages.

"Sorry I took so long," Hinata said as he came out. "Do you want to stay for dinner?"

"If your mom doesn't mind."

"What are you talking about, Kageyama? She loves you!"

"Hmm?" Kageyama smirked. "Does she love me more than you do?"

"Nope!" Hinata said, jumping up and kissing Kageyama for a split second before gravity pulled him back down to the floor.

"That wasn't good enough," Kageyama said back.

Hinata giggled and let Kageyama lean down to place a passionate kiss on his lips.


"How long is this mission gonna be?" Hinata asked, although he was pouting. He was unfortunately used to Kageyama disappearing for a few days every once in a while.

"Only a few days. Most likely two or three."

Hinata frowned. "You went on one two weeks ago! Another one already?" he whined.

Kageyama sighed. "I know, I'm sorry. I'll make it as quick as I can."



It was three days after Kageyama had left for his newest mission, and he was in deep trouble.

His opponent had him pinned to a wall in an abandoned alleyway.

"O-Oikawa," Kageyama choked out. 

"Kageyama... It's good to see you again," he smirked. "How's the manager doing?" 

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