Chapter 2

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Kageyama Tobio eyed his target's building's front doors carefully. It was almost 9:00pm. Mr. Hinata had just gotten off after a long day of work. He worked in the electronics business as some sort of programmer, but his office space was very small. It was part of a large building with at least four or five other offices besides his own.

Kageyama watched silently as he hid in a dark alleyway across the street from the office building. He watched for a good thirty boring minutes before the man stepped outside his office.

The assassin watched as the man opened the door, but was surprised to see the man held the door open and looked back behind him. Kageyama watched as the same small boy he'd run into a day or two before on the street exited the building.

Kageyama lowered his rifle and continued watching with a saddened look on his face. It was always harder to murder with others present. Especially family members of his targets. Although, Hinata Shouyou didn't seem to be in a very good mood. The boy actually seemed upset.

The father and son walked together across the parking lot to get to their car. Kageyama put his rifle down and took a deep breath. He exhaled and sighed sadly. He couldn't kill this man. At least, not when that boy was with him.

Kageyama silently pouted as he went back to his hotel. He was so devoted to his job. How could one little boy he barely even knew make him halt his mission for an entire day?

What was with him?


It was the next night. Kageyama's last night to kill Mr. Hinata.

Kageyama waited in the same exact spot as he did the night before. He watched as Mr. Hinata came out of his office. Alone.

Was he just bringing his son to work for one day?

Kageyama raised his rifle, aimed at the man's head, and shot a single bullet. The bullet hit its mark as usual.

Kageyama felt something odd in his chest he'd never felt before when he saw the man's body fall. He was confused. He'd never had trouble killing before.

Was it because this was the first time he'd killed a target who had a family member that Kageyama knew?

That had to be it. Although Kageyama admitted he barely knew anything about Hinata Shouyou except his name.

Kageyama left the scene silently as usual.


"Yes, I finished the job."

"You weren't a day early like usual, Kageyama. Did something happen?" the man on the other side of the phone asked.

"No, nothing really. I just missed my chance the first time."

"Well, whatever you say. I'm giving you a break. Take a week off, okay? Jumping around too much can cause you just as many problems as staying in the same spot too long. Maybe even go check out that high school in that town, all right?"

Kageyama scowled. "I don't need to go to school."

"Think about it. I'm not forcing you to. I'm just your manager, after all. But remember, you're making a name for yourself, so get used to staying in one spot for a while. Clients will be requesting tougher targets for you the more you get well-known."

"I understand. I gotta go."

"I'll send you your next job in a few days."

Kageyama said his goodbyes one last time and hung up.

The teen scowled again. He knew what would happen if his manager found out he didn't at least go to school for a day or two. "Idiot, making me go to school..."


Kageyama stepped into the classroom and was greeted by the sight of a large group of kids his age. Kageyama had never been around so many people his age since he was still in school years and years ago.

"Class, this is Kageyama Tobio. He recently transferred here, so be nice. Kageyama, why don't you take the empty seat over there?"

The teacher motioned towards an empty seat in the back, which Kageyama didn't mind in any way. As he sat in his seat, he snorted under his breath. Of course he even disguised himself as my father to get me into this school. I can't believe him. What an asshole, Kageyama thought.

Kageyama didn't want to draw attention, so he stayed quietly in his seat until homeroom was over. Being able to lay low was usually not too much of a problem for Kageyama.

Kageyama glanced around and analyzed his classmates one at a time until he recognized a familiar face.

Hinata Shouyou.

The boy whose father Kageyama had killed yesterday.

Hinata didn't even realize Kageyama was staring at him. Kageyama stared for a while until finally the first bell rang and broke his concentration. Kageyama quickly glanced away just as Hinata looked up from the textbook he was trying to read.

"Oh, and Hinata?" the teacher spoke out.


Kageyama furrowed his eyebrows. Why did Hinata seem kind of happy? He didn't seem to be jumpy like the time they met on the street, but he sure wasn't upset in any way.

Kageyama snapped his attention back to hear the rest of the conversation.

"Would you mind taking Kageyama to your classes today? He doesn't have a schedule yet."

"Of course," he said politely.

He turned to face Kageyama and his face it up.

"I know you!"

Kageyama was surprised. Was he not paying any attention when the teacher was introducing him?

"Oh, yeah-"

"We bumped into each other on the street!"


"Oh, let's go to our next class! We have math first," he said, almost skipping out the door.

Kageyama followed, but didn't make it out the door before a few burly guys blocked his way. Were they really in their second year of high school?

The biggest one smirked. "Look at the puny new kid," he chuckled.

"Please just let me through," Kageyama said, checking the room for the teacher. He noticed she'd already left.

Kageyama glared up, finally scowling and slipping under their legs. Before they realized what had happened, Kageyama was already strolling down the hallway after Hinata.

"What took you so long?" Hinata almost shouted.

"Sorry, I was held up."

"We're gonna be late! And our math teacher won't like that at all. She's kind of mean," Hinata said, looking over his shoulder at Kageyama instead of looking where he was going.

Kageyama sat down at an empty desk in the back of the math room. Hinata sat up in the front, never raising his hand but always doodling in his notebook.

Kageyama sat silently, completely tuned out to the math lesson going on in front of him. He was too busy staring at Hinata, and wondering why Hinata seemed perfectly fine.

Was it possible?

Did Kageyama kill the wrong guy?

No... They looked alike. And they were together. There's no way Kageyama could've shot the wrong guy.

But... Kageyama was still confused.

Why was this boy not at all upset?

Did he even know his father was dead? Or maybe he just didn't care?

Although, this boy seemed too sweet to not be upset about a death in his family.

What was with this guy?

But more importantly...

Why did Kageyama care so much? 

An Assassin's Mistake (Haikyuu Assassin AU)Where stories live. Discover now