Chapter 11

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Author's Note:

Now that I've written about the interrogation, please note that I'm just writing what I believe to be how it works. Please excuse me if it doesn't add up or is wrong somehow.

Also, excuse my really short chapters lately!


"What about the rifle we collected from your motel room?" the officer asked.

"I don't own a rifle," Kageyama said back. He knew that his rifle was stashed somewhere the police would never find.

"Still playing innocent?"

"I didn't do it," Kageyama stated firmly. "Besides, how can you just trust those two who dropped me off here? What'd you do to them?"

The policeman smirked. "Those two? Oh, we've been looking for them for months. They're in jail awaiting trial."

"Really?" Kageyama asked.

"Yes, really. But those two are hitmen. Don't you think it'd be unusual for those two to be interested in a regular person like you if you're innocent?"

"They set me up."

"Do you think I believe that they set up the first Japanese person they saw and accused you of being a very famous assassin for no reason? You're the Japanese assassin, and somehow you three are involved," he stated firmly. "So I'm here to make you confess."

Kageyama said nothing.

"So, how are you and them involved? Give me a detailed description of exactly how they mistook you for an assassin that's supposed to be in Japan."

"Fine," Kageyama said. Now he was getting slightly nervous, but he showed no signs of it. From what Kageyama could come up with just on the spot, he couldn't lie his way out of this one without him being a criminal somehow. "I ordered them to kill someone for me. They turned on me because they'd been hired just recently to kill the assassin you're accusing me of being. They figured they could set me up and pin the blame on me. That's what I've inferred from the situation, at least."

"Oh, really? They did confess that you hired them to kill someone, but they admitted that they did kill that man before coming for you."

"Did they?" Kageyama asked, almost mockingly.

"Just confess that you're guilty!"

"I didn't do anything!" Kageyama raised his voice to match the man's. "Tell me one piece of solid evidence that can prove I'm an assassin. Policemen just think they're so high and mighty and can just accuse any Japanese person you see of being a murderer," Kageyama scowled. Of course, he just wanted to startle the man.

"Excuse me?" he asked. "From the things we've seen and heard, all of it points to you."

"Like what?"

"The fingerprints-"

"A trained assassin wouldn't leave fingerprints on every building they stood on. Assassins are professionals, right? You're lying. You don't have any fingerprints."

The policeman just snorted. Kageyama tried his best not to smile.

"And the rifle."

"A real assassin wouldn't leave their rifle or any killing device just laying around. If you have my so-called rifle, show me it."

"I cannot bring weapons in here."

"You've got a gun strapped to your side, officer," Kageyama retorted.

"That's different."

"Not by much. I'm handcuffed, do you really think I'd try something?"

"We cannot bring your rifle in here."

"Or maybe you don't have a rifle nearby that you could claim is mine?"

The officer was getting upset. He inhaled deeply, obviously flustered.

"You're a tough nut to crack," he chuckled.

"I don't need to crack. I'm not that assassin."

"So you're saying you could be a different assassin? Just not the one we're searching for?"

"That's not what I meant. I'm not the assassin. I'm not an assassin, either."

He scowled.

"You know, I know you aren't allowed to use drugging and torture techniques on a suspect, but you can lie, right? So how many times have you lied so far?"

"How many times have you?" he retorted.


"Yeah, right," he scoffed.


Kageyama sat in his cell. He hadn't confessed, but it would only get worse. 

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