Chapter 9

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Author's Note:

Please excuse the extremely short chapter! Writer's block isn't fun ;(


"Stupid Kageyama! It means I like you!" Hinata shouted. He immediately gave Kageyama one final glare and ran to his room.

Kageyama was stunned. He didn't move for a few minutes before he finally comprehended what Hinata had said.

Did he just confess?

Kageyama shook his head. No. He had to leave. He had to leave now.

He opened the door, gave one last glance inside the house, and closed the door. He walked outside and headed in the direction of the nearest bus stop.

Once Kageyama was on the bus, he took a seat and checked his phone. After a short ride, he was at the airport.

He checked in his stuff and got some breakfast before heading to his gate. He sat down at his gate and waited until he could board the plane.


With his luggage in hand, Kageyama found himself a cheap motel to spend the night. He walked in and headed to the front desk.

Kageyama cleared his throat.

In his best English, he asked, "can I get a room for a week?"

The man behind the desk smiled. "Not from around here?"

Kageyama smiled back. He was proud of himself for somewhat understanding.

"No," he answered.


Kageyama sat in his room, researching his targets. They were two hitmen. He'd been researching them for a week now and he'd found almost nothing.

It was time to stop spending so much time on his computer and start digging deeper. Kageyama decided to hire them to get closer.

It'd be dangerous, but it would speed up the process.

And then maybe Kageyama could get back to Hinata sooner.


"I would like you to take out this man," Kageyama said in his mediocre English. His accent was awful, but it seemed good enough to get the point across.

He pointed to a picture of a random man he'd done a bit of research on.

"Why? You'd better have a good reason, boy," the male said. He seemed to be in his twenties and was covered in scars and tattoos.

"He screwed me over a few days ago. I lost a lot of money," Kageyama said. "I have only been in this country a few months, so I am not good at speaking English. I'm sorry."

"Hmph. Fine," the male hitman growled.

"We accept," the female hitman said.

"We'll do it two nights from now." 

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