Chapter 19

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"You're not a murderer, Kageyama. That's just your job."

Kageyama was surprised. Then, he smiled. "Thank you, Hinata..."



"Are you going to leave me again?"

Kageyama smiled just a little. "No. I'm never going to leave you again."


Later that night, they ate dinner peacefully. Hinata's mother didn't say a word about Hinata and Kageyama's new relationship, but Kageyama caught her smirking a few times throughout the meal.

Does she actually not mind...? Kageyama thought.

After dinner, Kageyama and Hinata cleaned the dishes and headed upstairs.

"Kageyama! Come to my room!"

Hinata grabbed Kageyama's hand and pulled him inside his room.

"Actually, first..." Kageyama trailed off. "Wait here," he said, going to the guest room he stayed in.

When he came back, he was carrying a cute gift box wrapped in sparkly orange and black ribbons. "Here," Kageyama said, smiling as he handed it to Hinata. "I couldn't let you give me a gift without me giving you one."

Hinata opened it and lifted up a brand new volleyball.

"I asked your mother, and she said how much you liked volleyball. Maybe you could use it next volleyball season..."

"Thank you, Kageyama! I love it!"

Hinata jumped up, hugging Kageyama again.

"You never told me you played volleyball," Kageyama said.

"Well the season is over for this year, so I'm gonna be in the volleyball club next year."

"Maybe I can see you play sometime."

Hinata smiled, knowing that that meant Kageyama planned on staying.

"So you're coming back to school?"

Kageyama nodded. "I can't promise that I won't go on missions every once in a while, but I'll try my best to finish them fast and go on as few as I can."

Hinata sighed in relief, his bright smile making Kageyama smile as well.


It was around 12:30am.

Kageyama was just about to fall asleep.

It was storming outside, and thunder boomed in the distance. Lightning flashed through the windows.

As he was about to fall asleep, Kageyama heard his door creak open. On instinct, he searched for an aura, finding that the aura was bright orange.


Kageyama rose up. "Hinata, what's wrong?"

"C-can I sleep with you tonight...? I'm scared of thunder..." he trailed off.

"Sure," Kageyama said softly.

Hinata immediately crawled into the bed next to Kageyama. Taking his chance, Kageyama pulled Hinata closer. Hinata snuggled into Kageyama's chest.

"Good night, Hinata," Kageyama said quietly, peacefully closing his eyes.

"Night, Kageyama," Hinata said, yawning as he closed his eyes as well.


"Kageyama! It's Sunday! Let's do all kinds of stuff!" Hinata said as he stood on top of the bed.

Kageyama groaned. "What time is it...?"


Kageyama scowled. He grabbed Hinata's wrist and pulled him back down onto the bed. He wrapped his arms around the smaller boy.

"Go back to sleep for a while..." Kageyama trailed off, dozing off within seconds.

Hinata giggled, but eventually dozed off too.

Around 10am, Hinata's mother slammed the door open and walked in. "It's after ten, you two! Let's go get breakfast! You two better be dressed and downstairs in ten minutes," she said, turning around and walking back downstairs.

Groaning, the two got up and stretched.

"So, you're afraid of thunder?" Kageyama smirked.

"S-shut up! It's not funny..." Hinata pouted.

Kageyama chuckled and came up behind Hinata, hugging him from behind. "I'm just kidding."

Hinata pouted before finally regaining his bubbly attitude.

"Ah! We need to get ready for breakfast or Mom is gonna kill us!"

Hinata ran to his room to change quickly. Kageyama quickly changed as well. They met downstairs within five minutes.

They drove to town for breakfast and ate in the town diner. Afterwards, Hinata's mother took Natsu and split up with Kageyama and Hinata.

For the rest of the day, the new couple walked around town, enjoying each other's company.


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