Ch. 9

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Harry's POV

I feel horrible, the pain just keeps building up and there is no end to it, thank god that there is no traffic and Simon can get there quick, he then takes me to the A&E. Where I'm told to sit down in the waiting aria and fill out some forums

"can you write for me?" I ask Simon as I really don't want to let go off my arm

"yeah sure" Simon tells me as he grabs the pen and the forum and I tell him what he should write. I have to wait for almost 15 minutes before a doctor calls me in, It's a Saturday so there are some drunk people there who have fallen or injured themselves somehow that are before me and I'm starting to really feel the pain. I just lay my head on Simon's shoulder and he puts his hand over me, thank god for Simon.

"Harry Lewis" a nurse calls and Simon helps me up


"who is this?" she asks as she points to Simon

"my friend Simon"

"do you want him with you?"

"yeah" I tell her and Simon is allowed to go with me, I'm thankful for that, I'm then taken in for a doctor to see me, after he checks me over he tells me that I have a minor concussion and most likely a broken wrist, but he is going to order me an X-ray to make sure, he is also going to order me a CT scan to confirm the concussion. He then tells me that I will be taken to X-ray in about 10-15 minutes and I will get something for the pain now, thank god for that, a nurse then puts up an I.V and she gives me morphine, that starts to work fairly quickly. Thank god for that.

"time for your X-ray" a nurse comes in and tells me, I'm so tired, the morphine made me more sleepy than anything else, I just want to lay down and get some rest. I get told that I will be able to get some rest soon. Then I'm taken off to X-ray and that hurts so much, they have to take pictures from every angle and I have to move my wrist around and that hurts like a bitch, I'm not even ashamed to admit that I cried during the X-ray, but I'm not sure if it was just because off the pain, there were so many other factors. Like my boyfriend did this to me and I'm so tired. Then I get taken in for the CT scan and in there I fall asleep as I need to stay still for 45 minutes.

After the X-ray and CT scan are done I get placed into a room, they have to monitor me for the concussion anyway so I get admitted, Simon is there with me and I love that he is there, I really needed someone with me.

"have you called your mom?" Simon asks me

"no, I think I'll wait until the morning, I don't want to bother her"

"You are injured, you are not bothering her, she would want to know" he tells me

"you may be right, but I'm going to wait until the scans are back, then I can tell her what's going on." Simon just nods his head, he does not want to ask me about Alfie, he has avoided his name the hole time. The doctor then walks into the room with my X-rays and he tells me that it's clearly broken and that the bones are out off place and they need to be pushed back into place, they are going to give me some medication to knock me out and see if the reduction will be enough or if I will need surgery to fix it.

"will it hurt?" I ask

"no, you will be given a local anesthetic so you will be out and you will not remember anything about it" they tell me

"how long will it take"

"it only takes a couple off minutes, after we have put it back in place we will place the arm into a splint and get you an X-ray to see if it's back in line and then you just sleep off the medication"

"so I'm just going to wake up in a couple off hours"

"yes" the doctor tells me and smiles, then they make everything ready, I don't want Simon to leave me and he thankfully agrees to stay with me, I ask him to film this as I want to see it later and he agrees, the doctors also have no problem with being filmed and that makes me happy, then they start the medication and I'm out like a light only about 30 seconds later. 

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